"It's almost lunch time, she'll probably be hungry," she thought, before proceeding to check out her items.

The bike railing was only a two minute walk from the convenience store so Jirou wasn't worried about making the other wait.


I'm here :3


After viewing the message, Jirou scanned the area with her eyes before they landed on someone waving at her.


"What's that you got there?" she was pointing towards the plastic bag in Jirou's hand.

"Oh this?" The other replied, lifting up the bag, "snacks! I figured you'd be hungry since it's almost lunch time."

"You're so sweet, Jirou-san. You really didn't have to!"

"Don't worry about it," she chuckled, "In return... you better doMINATE just dance!"

"I'll try my best," Momo giggled.

Somehow, though they've only been talking for a couple days, Momo felt safe with Jirou. Safer than she felt with her 'soon to be husband.'

The arcade was packed— it was Saturday, after all. There were endless rows of games, snack bars and a disco ball on the ceiling to add a finishing touch.

Even though the place was huge, the two could still hear the fans cheering for those dancing against each other in just dance.

"The contestants both have great moves! Sakura is not letting up to Yuna's attempts at overtaking her! Who will win?"

"Let's go cheer for them," Jirou dragged the other towards the dance battle.

the dancers had a minute left before the round was over and they were only at a hundred point difference— the crowd was very hyped to say the least.

"YUNA-CHAN IM ROOTING FOR YOU!" Jirou yelled out.

"Gosh, you're so embarrassing-"

"Get used to it, I'll be doing the same when you're dancing!"

"Wait- me?? But-" Momo stuttered through trying to make up an excuse.

"No excuses! It's for the snacks, remember?" Jirou winked, causing the other to blush.

Maybe it was because of all the flashing lights and the crowd cheering, or rather the great atmosphere at the arcade. Whatever it was, it made Momo feel like she was in a movie. A movie far better than her day to day life.



"Babe- please go home."

"I don't wanna!" Todoroki whined earning a sigh from his boyfriend.

"I'm trying to study but you're suffocating me," Midoriya lightly pushed away the other— who had been hugging him ever since they woke up.

"I love you."

"I love you too but summer break is ending soon and Im not tryna get kicked out of Tokyo University for low grades!"

"Then.. I'll help you," Todoroki replied.

"I'm a social science major and you're a political science major...."

"They both have the word 'science' in them! Besides, lawyer and police detective have many similarities."

"Whatever you say."

TODODEKU Chat ficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora