Mission in Dubai

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Denise's Pov

A year later...

I'm walking around the busy streets of Hollywood as Denise-not as Carly Linette.

My phone rings. It Takao.

(I've been keeping in touch with Takao to help him on the case. It seems that six men have been having illegal and secret auctions in a hotel in Dubai
and his client wants to prove them guilty. Seems...interesting, doesn't it?)

I pick up the phone.

Denise: Hello?

Takao: Hey Denise.

Denise: Hey. Is anything wrong? Aren't you supposed to be at work?

Takao: I am at work. Denise...you need to come to Japan right away!

Denise: I already told you that I was never going to Japan ever again!

Takao: I know, but this time it's different. Your mother...she's here.

Denise: What?! Why?

Takao: I'm looking for the man who murdered your father. Your mother wants justice. All I know it's one of those six men in the case that we've been working on. I need you to use your acting skills to go undercover and find any evidence you can to prove one of them guilty. Can you do that for me?

Denise: But why? Why would anyone want to murder my father?!

Takao: Your father...he was a detective. Living in Florida as a small business owner was just a cover up story. He was chosen for the case then soon after...was when he was killed.

(This is a joke, right? It has to be! This doesn't make sense! Why would my father keep something like this hidden away from us?)

Denise: I-I can't believe this is happening!

I start to silently sob as tears stream down my face.

Takao: I'm sorry that this has happened to you...

Denise. It-it's okay Takao. It wasn't your fault.

Takao: So, will you except the case?

Denise: Yes, I will.

(But Takao not for justice....but for sweet, old revenge!)

Takao: Great. You need to come to The Tres Spades resort in Dubai as soon as you can.

Denise: Got it.


Denise's Pov

I arrive home and I start to pack my things.

(Ugh! I can't believe the company wants me to wear these-these clothes! These pants are too short and if I bend in this skirt, who knows what people will see on the other side. My recording company wants to change everything about me. From what I wear, to the songs I write and sing, to how I act...and it's not like I have a choice. My agent doesn't agree with changing me but she has no choice either. They say it's "my biggest acting gig of my career." Sometimes when one of my music videos come out on tv or a song of mine on the radio I feel kind of disgusted thinking, "that can't really be me!")

I call my agent.

Denise: Hey. I need to go to Japan for a few weeks.

Miss.Kim: You can't just go! Why are you going? I thought you said you didn't want to go back to Japan!

Denise: My father's murderer is in Japan and I'm going to go find him!

Miss.Kim: Um, no you're not!

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