Sick from candy(Niall and Harry)

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It was halloween, and you and Harry's kids along with Niall's were trick or treating together, while you guys handed out candy. You were talking to Niall's wife, and Harry and Niall were messing around.
"Want to have a candy eating contest?" Niall asked, a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Your on!" Harry yelled, grabbing the bowl of candy and dumping half of it on the floor.
"Eat as much as you can in ten minutes?" Niall asked.
"Let's go!" Harry said enthusiastically, already unwrapping a peanut butter cup.
"y/n.. Set a timer please?" Harry asked, and you set one on your phone. You and Niall's wife watched the boys stuff handfuls of candy in their mouth, and ten minutes later, both were laying down, rubbing their bloated stomachs.
"I totally won" Harry said, grimacing as he rubbed his belly.
"No, I did" Niall argued, leaning back.
"How you guys feeling?" You and Niall's wife asked.
"Terrible.. That was a bad idea" Harry said.
"You two must've eaten 100 peices!" Niall's wife exclaimed, looking in the bowl, which only had about thirty pieces left.
"Let's not talk about it anymore.." Harry moaned. All he could think about was the pound of chocolate he must've eaten, and he couldn't get it off his mind.
Niall was even worse, all he could feel was the chocolate trying to come back up and the chocolatey taste in his mouth.
"Honey.. Will you get me a glass of water?" Niall asked weakly to his wife, who gladly got it for him. Niall sipped it carefully, not wanting to irritate his stomach even more.
"y/n... Will you rub my belly?" Harry asked and you chuckled, setting your hands on Harry's bloated stomach. You didn't apply too much pressure, and Harry seemed to be enjoying it, until he leaned back, trying to relax. You felt his stomach groaning underneath your hands.
"y/n.. Please stop now" Harry said and you let go, kissing his sweaty forehead.
"You two are looking quite pale" Niall's wife obserbed, and Niall burped, his eyes widening as he ran into the nearest restroom, holding his stomach. Niall's wife followed him, rolling her eyes playfully at you. The sight made Harry jump up also, and he ran to the kitchen sink, heaving and crying.
"I knew you shouldn't have done that babe" you said, rubbing his back. Finally, he threw up into the sink, and you grimaced, seeing the pure chocolatey mess in the sink. After about ten minutes he was done, feeling a lot better. He and Niall were feeling a bit better, but still not great. They were laying on the couch when your kids came inside. It was 9:30, and most people were done handing out candy.
"We're home!" Darcy, you and Harry's daughter yelled, dumping her candy on the floor. You saw Harry cringe at the sight, rubbing his belly slightly. Elle and Logan, two of Niall's kids did the same, and Nathan, the youngest of the group, ran over to Harry with three candy bars.
"Want these?" Nathan asked, and Harry shot up, rubbing to the sink again, just as Nathan shoved another piece in his mouth. Niall was watching the whole thing, and took his sick self to the bathroom also.

After a few more hours, Niall and Harry were both feeling much better, and not until all seven of the kids were crashed in the basement in front of the TV did they each sneak a few more pieces, ending up slightly ill once again :(

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