Part 16

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Tuesday, November 10


I still feel terrible about that kiss that Brandon had shared with MacKenzie! 

I know I'm not in charge of Brandon's life, but still :(!

MacKenzie was smirking at me in school, and even worse than ever, everyone believed Brandon and MacKenzie were the PERFECT couple! 

Now just GREAT :(!

Life is RUINED by MacKenzie Hollister!

Chloe and Zoey are trying to comfort me, but nothing will work.

Brandon's tried to apologize to me a million times. He's so SWEET, and my heart melted....

But I just couldn't forgive him. 

Stinky life. 

MacKenzie was really mean to me in gym. I mean, she deserved that detention! Come on, Mac! If you smash me in the face with a ball again, you're basically wanting to do more detention with the roaches in the girls' shower! But I ended up in detention. :(! 

Unfortunately, the gym teacher was sick today.

Great! :(!!

The subsitute teacher favored MacKenzie. She was 'best at everything', and the subsitute didn't mind Mackenzie being mean to me.

Hello?! You're TEACHERS! No favoring! 

And we had soccer planned on the schedule for gym. I was so DOOMED! "Ha, Dorkwell!" said MacKenzie. She came out wearing the MOST fashionable soccer clothes ever. And guess what the teacher did...

She HUGGED her! "OMG! You have like, the best clothes ever!" gushed the subsitute. "See, everyone?! This is the soccer diva I like!" 

I was SO annoyed. "Um... YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FAVOR STUDENTS! AND WHO WEARS SPARKLY SUITS TO GYM? YOU ARE A TERRIBLE GYM SUBSITUTE!" I yelled. But I only said that inside my head so no one heard me. 

Anyway, who would've guessed that Mackenzie told on me? Tattletale!

Duh, I would get in trouble, MacKenzie was the favorite student of that subsitute! 

"Excuse me, teacher," said MacKenzie. "Nikki Max--I mean, Dorkwell, over here--" She pointed at me "--called me the F word. I don't think she's allowed to do that, right?" Then she batted her eyelashes all innocent like.

Of course, Chloe and Zoey, as the best friends ever, tried to defend me...

But it was no use. I still ended up in the principal's office. Lucky that everyone was paying attention, and stood up for me (besides Jessica and Mackenzie). I was SAVED! And MacKenzie got detention again.

Anyway, the subsitute gym teacher was banned for favoring a student who lied, and we spent FREE TIME for the rest of the time :)!

Meanwhile, MacKenzie was stuck in the girls' shower room again, scrubbing roaches! :)!! But the principal, just in case, also assigned me detention, but at least it wasn't in the girls' shower, just doing extra gym practice. 

Hey, not so bad! :)!! 

But as my thoughts drifted back to Brandon and the image of him kissing her...

Life was still ruined. 

A/N: Two comments AND 3 votes till next chapter NOT BY THE SAME PEOPLE 

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