“Why didn’t you leave when your shift was over?” 

“I lost track time.”

“Lies. We both know you didn’t. You’re Dahlia Rallow, you don’t lose track of time.”

“Well.. I-I figured it was pretty packed tonight…” She trailed off, not even bothering to finish the horrendous excuse. 

“Dahlia this isn’t good for you. I know you feel like you constantly need to be doing something, but you need to be taking care of yourself.” The disappointment in his voice made Dahlia squirm. Her shoulders hunched as she wrapped her arms around her small frame.

“Dahlia, look at me,” Hesitantly she looked up at him, his eyes shown with concern, guilt flooded her system. She hated making him worry, but he just didn’t get it. She opened her mouth to defend herself, but was cut off with a sharp look from Ray. 

“How much have you been eating?” He stared at her, his eyes focused on her face. 

“Enough,” She wouldn’t meet his eyes. 

“And sleeping?” He asked, his voice probing. 

“I’ve been sleeping just fine,” She looked past him, her eyes focused on the wall behind him. 

“Fine, Dahlia. Have it your way. You’ve been sleeping a full eight hours a night and you eat three meals a day, right?” His voice was lined with steel and his eyes showed how hurt he was by her lack of honesty. Her stomach rolled. She hated this. 

“You know I don’t have time Ray. I have things I need to get done,” she trailed off, cringing at the lame excuse. 

“Oh but you’ll have time after you’ve killed yourself?!” She flinched. The honesty of his words hit her like a sledgehammer. He truly believed she was going to end up killing herself. 

“I’m fine Ray. I’m okay. I eat and sleep enough,” Her voice cracked a little. Ray stared at her, the fight in his eyes dissipating at the small sound.. He didn’t say anything, just nodded, barely. 

He stood up and walked  to the bar, leaving Dahlia to stare after him. He grabbed the large brown paper bag sitting on the counter before walking back to her. He set it in front of her and smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. 

“Your favorite; hot ham and pepper jack on sourdough, with a side of fresh beignets. I didn’t forget about Farrah either. Homemade Potato Soup with extra cheese, and of course, a slice of chocolate cake.”

Dahlia smiled, her first real smile the entire night. She stood up and hugged the big man. 

“Thank you,” she whispered into his stained shirt, “I’ll tell her you said hi.”

He pulled away and grasped her forearms, “Bring her in. I miss the little squirt. But right now, you get home. Eat dinner and go to sleep. No studying for tonight, okay?”

He stared down at her before she reluctantly nodded. He wouldn’t listen to reason, so why try? He nodded, satisfied, and let go of her, but not before ruffling her already disheveled hair. 

“Let me take you home, its still raining cats and dogs out there,” He looked at her his eyes pleading.

“Ray, I’ll be fine. You’ve done enough already,” She shook her head as she made her way to the back room. She grabbed her hoodie and slipped it over her head before throwing her worn purse over her shoulder.  She grabbed the bag of food as she made her way towards the door.

“Its just a bit of rain. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” She called as she leaned against the door. 

“Stay safe, alright?” 

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