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Damiar POV

Me and the love of my life are halfway home.its been a couple hours and Olivia is sta6to show movement,which is good cause shes starting to wake up and the stuff is wearing off.i heard her confused mumbles."god fucking damn it!" I heard her yell."relax hun your home."I said in a calm tone.as I parked the car in the garage.
She didn't say anything till I put her in handcuffs as I got her out of the car.
"dont tell me to fucking relax,I out of everything and everyone should not 'relax'. just when i thought i was safe away from your crazy ass you always find a to nuzzle your way back into my life." She raised her voice alittle,and kept trying to break away from my grip.she sighed alittle and continued to talk. Around this time we were in her room and i didn't let go of her yet.
"i wish I put that bullet through your head when I had the chance and this 'home' you talk about is your home not mine dumb ass." That's when i pinned her to the wall and put my hand around her throat."hunny you can call me damiar,ben,even daddy. But you will never call me a dumbass."my grip started to get tighter."the only dumbass here is you ,cause you didn't take the shot when you had a perfect chance." I said in a calm tone,my grip was tighter than ever but she didn't say anything.her face was almost out cold.i let got to let her catch her breath.i took the cuffs off of her and let her be.i was almost out of the before my baby girl said something."why didn't you fucking take the shot when you had a perfect chance,huh?" She mocked me,she had the audacity to mock me.the made something click in me.i through the vase near her head."that's it! Get mad,get so mad that you wanna fucking pull the trigger and end my life.but just a second again was the perfect chance with the vase but you cant fucking aim!" She yelled while getting up.now shes really pissing me off.i said fuck it and threw a punch and she blocked it.in returned I got a kick in the stomach.

Olivia POV

I'm fighting for my life which is what I want. Damiar picked me up and put me over his shoulder."I honestly thought they would've killed you."I yelled as he carried me."yeah?well they failed at that task." He said as he kept walking.now we are on the balcony he sat me down on the chain and cuffed me to the balcony railing.we talked for a while and once he left I saw the keys fall out of his pocket.i couldn't reach with my hand so I used my foot.i got them and quickly unlocked them.i Uncuff my self,took a deep breath before climbing over the balcony railing.I almost jumped but damiar got a hold of me."Olivia what the fuck are you thinking?" He yelled with tears in his eyes."what do you think dumbass." I said before getting out if his grip and jumping.

Every thing went black.

Damiar POV

I cant believe it,she went through with it.i sprinted all the way down where she landed and I cried.i couldn't call the police cause I would go back to jail or the ward.i cried as I held her hand.this is what I drove her to,I fucking made her kill her self and it's my fault.

End It All 3♤benkro_tv Where stories live. Discover now