Clash Of The Outsiders (Harry Potter and Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)

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Harry, Ron and Hermione were just minding their own business, when Harry's wife - Ginny, rushed in on the now called "Golden Trio" even though they (more Harry though), defeated Lord Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts just over three years ago.

They all married and had children.

Harry obviously married Ginny, and had three children (one girl and two boys) and named them James Sirius (the oldest), Lily Luna and Albus Severus (the only Slytherin and the second youngest).

Ron and Hermione married shortly after Harry and Ginny as the perfect wizard couple.

They too, had children. The boy was named Hugo and the girl was Rose.

The Golden Trio almost never split up.

Even if they were, they would keep in close contact with one another.

I mean, they definitely needed it, since they took on jobs as aurors, just like they had planned too!

Now, they devoted most of their time to help solve mysteries in the wizarding world. (due to the Ministry demanding their help) when Ginny walked in, or more like burst in!

"What's the rush darling?" asked Harry.

But by the look on Ginny's face, Harry's facial expression softened into one of deep concern.

"Okay. Here, give me a look" said Harry softly.

But Ginny kept it just out of his reach.

He grabbed for it again.

Still, Ginny always kept it just out of his reach!

That's when it happened.

Harry lunged.

Sorry again, I know it is a really short read, but I will make the rest of the chapter longer, I just thought it was a good place to stop :) I hope you like it so far, and will continue to read! ~Ilovetomfelton~ ;P <3 xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2012 ⏰

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