Chapter 23

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Every time I set my foot in Richard's house, it gets cold and send chills down my spine. I still haven't talked to Nick and it's eating me up already, I just don't know where to start.

Richard isn't in the bedroom so I searched around for him until I saw him in his study, he was trying to get a file that was out of reach. Now this was what I was talking about him being helpless even if he doesn't admit it.

I walked up to the shelf and asked "which one are you looking for"

"The file on the merge, The merge of MK internationals should be written in front" he said moving back to create room for me

I had been searching for minutes now and I couldn't find the file he said
"I can't find it" I said as I was still searching through "are you sure it's here?" I asked again

"Of course it's there, I placed it there myself" he barked at me making me shiver and want to crawl under my skin

"No, I don't think it's here" I said shaking my head and ignoring his tone

"I said it's there!" "I put it there myself!!" "Before the whole accident!!!" He continued shouting as he spoke to me

"Well maybe someone has moved it then because I can't find it" I told him

"Of course you can't find it!"
"There is nothing you can find!!"
"you are just too blind and useless!!!"
"I don't know why I have to be here with you!!!!"
"you just can't do anything right!!!!!"
He said backing every word to my face and breaking every inch of my self esteem bringing me almost to tears but No!

I had made up my mind that I wasn't going to cry about anything related to Richard anymore, he had done enough damage to me, more than enough damage.

And just as he said every word to me, something inside me just snapped, I had had enough of Richard, he had never appreciated my effort so how dare him raise his voice at me, how dare him call me useless, how dare him call me blind.

"What did you just say?" I asked him as I stared at him

"Are you deaf too, now listen the file..."

"No!!!" I screamed

"You listen; how dare you call me blind? How dare you call me useless? How dare you even raise your voice at me?" I asked him every single word as it had played out in my mind earlier.

"I come here everyday to help you out and you are not appreciative"
"I cook for you"
"I bath you"
"I cloth you"
"I put you to bed"
"I made sure you use your drugs"
"I followed you to all your doctor's appointment"
"I do every fucking thing for you and you have never appreciated me or my efforts, instead you call me blind"
"You dare look down on me?"
"If wasn't for me you wouldn't be here right now"
"You are even privileged to be sitting on that chair and you dare raise your voice at me?"
"Oh no you dare not"
"What if the doctor had listen to your so called wife Linda and not done the surgery, would you be sitting here right now?"
"Answer me" I screamed at his face as I shook him on the chair
"You would be six feet under the ground, buried and forgotten"
"Why don't you stand up and cook your own meals, take your own bath, get your own medication yourself or even get the damn files yourself" now I was beyond pissed, I was fuming.

"Even the bitch you left me for" I said approaching the family picture he kept on his table and picking it up "left you" and smashing it into the wall.

"All those years, I endured the pain, the insults, the assault" I told him as I slapped him really hard

"Oh how much I wanted to do that" and I slapped him again and again, he was crying now but I could totally care less

"I am not the Elizabeth you knew anymore so now you are going to sit there for the next two days and think about all that I just said" those were my last words to him as I storm out of his mansion

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