take your ass home and come back when you're grown

Start from the beginning

"peet" has kicked "Ice Pop" out of the chat.

Witchy Bitchy: oh wow, go off I guess.

peet: i sometimes forget that you're not old like everyone else and then you say things like that

bird #2: Why did you kick Steve out?

peet: momma spider told me to

peet: and she's big scary

peet: so

peet: can you not tell him rn?

buck buck: kid, there's lots of things I don't tell him, I hardly think some kid's secret is gonna set me over the edge.

peet: okay alright then

peet: i'm actually iron man

caw caw: i knew that bitch stark was a fraud

Tony Stark: Kid, please don't start any more rumors.

Tony Stark: Also, tell them the truth.

peet: ur not my dad

peet: wait i can't even make that joke anymore wtf

bird #2: Wait this was the kid from twitter?

peet: depends

peet: which kid from twitter are you thinking of

bird #2: Uh, the one with your screen name?

peet: oh yeah lol

peet: but anyways

peet: my name's peter parker

peet: and i'm spider-man

buck buck: wait, steve dropped an airport terminal on a sixteen-year-old?

peet: how do you know i'm sixteen?

buck buck: no reason.

Tony Stark: Did you just stalk my kid?

"peet" has changed "Tony Stark"'s name to "stank man"

stank man: Why???

peet: your name was boring

buck buck: i mean yeah

buck buck: natasha's probably done it too

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