A whole new universe

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AN: Eric Wicker is portrayed by the late Kyle Pavone who sadly passed away in 2018. Rest in peace. Your fans, friends and family will always miss you.

Having grown up in the isolated environment of no one but her family Dolly found herself almost painfully shy towards strangers, if not for her adoptive father to hold her hand.
Eric Wicker was young. Barely 25. But him having an 11 year old somehow was never questioned and Dolly didn't think enough of it to question that. She could live without any explicit information on her adoptive father.
Right now she was too terrified and too numb at the same time to think about it anyways. They were walking through diagon alley. A whole new universe for her, as, again, she didn't really know anything but her old home and maybe the small, completely overgrown garden.
"Want to go get your wand first?" She nods and follows him to Olivanders wand shop. In awe Dolly looks around as a man with grey hair, already turning white, bursts from the maze of shelves, making her jump in fear and clutch onto Erics arm. Alarmed she stares at him and he calmly back at her. "Hmm. I don't know who you are. Very peculiar. I know every child stepping into my shop to get their first wand. Who are you?" "Dolly Rose Wicker. My daughter. She doesn't tend to speak to strangers.", Eric says, quick to swoop in to the young girls rescue. "You have seen unbelievable horrors, child. And your heart is heavy with the lingering feelings of sadness and guilt. She is not your biological daughter, is she? If she is you have done horrible things to this poor girl." "I'm not.. He took me in.", Dolly says in a hushed, quiet voice and Olivander leaves it at that. "Let's see then." He starts by measuring out the distance between her nostrils, from her wrist to her elbow, of her head and mumbling words under his breath he disappears only to return with seven boxes. "Let's try.. this one. Ash wood with a dragon heartstring core." Taking it Dolly waves it and a window bursts. Handing it back to the man quickly she looks at the window startled. It brings back memories. "Maybe this one. Pine with a unicorn blood core." Dolly waves it and the lightbulbs all shatter. Only a few candles remain lit. "Oh no. No no no. Not at all. Maybe.. This? Sandal wood with a phoenix tear as a core." He offers the wand to Dolly and before she can grab it on her own it flies into her hand, surrounding her with a golden, warm glow. It felt, as if she had been reunited with a part that had been missing all her life. "Wonderful! Just perfect. It was still made by my father. I never expected someone to be made for it after all those years. Watch out very well for that wand and it will do the same for you." Dolly nods and, clutching her dads hand again, they walk out together, after he paid for the wand getting all the items on the list. "Last but not least you'll need a good companion for when I'm not with you." Her grip tightens. "Don't worry. I'll always be waiting for you at the train station when you come home from school. I'll always be there." "Can you promise that?" "I promise it by the heart in my chest." A small smile grows on her lips and quickly she huddles closer, wrapping one arm around him and he tucks her into his side, brushing over her head gently. "Then I don't need a pet." "Hmm... I have an idea that'll make you reconsider that."

An falcon. Eric had bought her a damn falcon. "He'll deliver your mail to me and I think he'll make a glorious protector and friend." Dolly gently brushes her finger over the falcons feathers. She had often seen birds like him fly in circles over their house and then plunge down to attack whatever it was they had set their eyes on. Birds of prey. The eagle, proud symbolic representation of Germany, also was in that category. "He is perfect."

Eric and Dolly leave Diagon alley by apparating to their home, Wicker manor.
Eric was a descendent of one of the last pureblood houses but didn't necessarily care for it. It simply didn't matter. "Tomorrow is the big day.. Huh?", Dolly mumbles as she watches him magically put all of her clothes and school supplies and favorite books and merlin knows what into a large trunk enlarged by an undetectable extension charm. The last thing he puts in is a stuffed bear and then everything is packed. "Dad.. Can you hold me for a bit?" Eric walks over to Dolly's bed where she sat the entire time. He lays down and opens his arms for her. Without hesitation she melts into his arms and he holds her closely as small shivers pass over her spine. He just accepts it as something she needs.
When finally she has calmed he gestures towards the falcon. "Have you already got a name for him?" Dolly nods. "Hannibal." Eric smiles. She definitely had read that book one too many times for an eleven year old. But he just let her considering nothing could be worse than what she had seen a few months prior.
"Can I ask you something?" "Hm?" "Why did you do it? We would have never detected your family out there. Those wards were extremely well done. Why did you send us the coordinates to your hideout?" "Because I hated them... and I loved them... and I thought they deserved punishment to learn what they did wrong for their next life. It was hard.. Sending that letter. But it felt necessary. I didn't want to be like them. I can't be like them. But now I feel more like them than ever. Like a monster. I killed them. Maybe not with my own hands but I killed them." "I knew you shouldn't have gone in there." "No. It was the right thing to do. I needed to see them pass to be sure. To make sure they can't harm anyone ever again." "You are a good person. Don't let their memory take that away from you." A tear leaves Dolly's eyes. "Thank you... Dad." "And about school.. You'll do great, okay. And if someone disagrees they are simply not worth your time."

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