Twenty Two

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Hongjoong looked through his updates on Seonghwa and was sure, he didn't have to be here any longer for sure, at this point he could already leave but Hongjoong wanted to make sure so he decided to give it a few more days.

" Hm... Yeosang is always busy with his patient and has no dang time for me... I'm so lonely..." Hongjoong sighed, putting down the file and writing his schedule for tomorrow and reading the next entry of Seonghwa's diary.

Hey... It was my birthday yesterday and... Mommy was really happy and nice, we got food and she bought me a present, it was just a angry bird doll, I don't mind, I like it.

Daddy came home less angry and at least said happy birthday, it didn't last long because he fought with mommy a bit but then it was short, that made me happier than usual. He went straight out the house after that though... Its sad.

'This is good enough... He just wants peace so all I need to do is make him used to a little sound and teach him how to make himself calmer whenever he is mad.' Hongjoong wrote some stuff in his schedule and smiled to himself happily.


Yeosang watched as Jongho glared at him, the person in front of him, even though the person in front of him is the one he cares and loves, the mind in the boy in front of him was someone else.

" You hurt Jongho. Let him out, he can't stand scary places." One growled, Yeosang looked at him softly, " One, its OK, here, this is something Jongho told me to give you." Yeosang handed One a piece of paper.

One, you're in my body, I know, but I want to be the only one in it.

I know you want to protect me but now I have doctor yeosang, he'll take good care of me, please just don't worry anymore, I'm supposed to be living a life with happiness, but since you're in my mind, I keep losing it.

I'm OK now, I won't be hurt, so you can leave.


One stared at the paper and frowned at it, confused but he didn't seem doubtful.

One looked up and put the paper down,
" You are Kang Yeosang?", Yeosang nodded,
" I am. I want Jongho to be free so to do that, the both of you need to leave him so that he can live happily and in peace.", One frowned and pursed his lips but looked up and slightly nodded.

" I'm doing this only for Jongho. If he ever feels unsafe, I will save him and you can't stop me. " One threatened, Yeosang paused but nodded," If Jongho will ever get hurt, I won't be the one doing it".

One weakly smiled, " He's finally gonna live well...", " One, I have a question.", one perked up, " What is it?", Yeosang looked at the male's eyes, " I need to know what happened to Jongho, and where you and Najae came from.", One sighed and nodded.

" Jongho was sold to a Child slavery house at a young age. Since he was one of the pretty bunches, they put him as the sexual entertainment ones, for all those disgusting pedos willing to pay.

With him was this person who is called
Nawon, his English name was Jay. He was 2 years older and was alone until Jongho came along. Since Jongho was older, he took good care of Jongho since he had a younger brother and wanted to care for him like his younger brother that he lost years ago.

Whenever Jongho came back, he would always be wounded and bleeding so Nawon would always feel worse and heartbroken to see him like that.

One day Nawon decided he wanted to get Jongho out, Jongho begged him to come too so he did.

One night Nawon finally got out with Jongho but then the people caught Nawon, to save Jongho, " I killed that brat, he was a drag." Nawon said that before he slit his throat to make sure they would never find out about Jongho.

Jongho was exhausted and they had gone a long way, without Nawon, Jongho suffered and then had went through a really hard time, due to that trauma he started forming us both. Me and Najae.

But since he was tired and not well, he formed us by accidentally Mixing Nawon's actions and made two by accident.
He grew weaker and pushed away the memories due to time and I was the only personality with the mind straight enough to remember what happened, I was already forming since he was at that slave home.

He was quite a teenager at that time so when he was walking around like a mad man, people sent him to the mental facility where he worsened.

I grew to protect him but Najae came out to hate him, the aftermath of the trauma.

Najae is something I can't control, but I can tell you how to make him go, since I know why he came.

You need to remind him why Nawon died, so he would try to live like Nawon wanted him to. "

One looked up and smiled weakly, Yeosang swallowed the lump in his throat," One.. Thanks for telling me. ", One smiled and nodded," Please save Jongho from himself for me, he trusts you now, and that's why I trust you too. "

Rules Dont Apply To Me (Seongjoong, Yeojong) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ