𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡; 𝖿𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗂𝖺𝗅 𝗊𝗎𝖺𝗋𝗋𝖾𝗅

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I wasn't finished telling the story," he replied with a stern look. "Eventually, she grew on me and we became practically inseparable. She was my best friend and my wife."

"That's a really nice story." It felt awkward. Almost as if he was implying something that I was too exhausted to figure out. After all, I just woke up! "Well, maybe I'll see if I can go over to a friend's house later today or something."

"Good idea."


Having memorized it, I was intending to dial Juli's house number when a deep voice called me from the kitchen.

"Bryce, get over here now."

"Coming, dad!" I called as I hurried down the hall.

He looked unhappy. "I got a call from one of your teachers. About your math grade."

Of course, the one class I struggled in. "Oh, dad, I can explain-"

"There's nothing to explain! You'll either fix that grade or face the consequences!"

I wanted to run off to my room and hide from him. It felt like he didn't understand that I don't excel at every single thing. Before I knew it, I had dialed the number.

"Hi, this is Juli," a voice said through the receiver.

Thankful she answered I replied, "Hey Juli, it's Bryce, I really hope this isn't too much but can I ask for a huge favor?"

"Sure, what's up?" she said uncertainly.

And suddenly I was telling the story, in full detail, into the transmitter. But instead of laughing at me or making fun of me, she sympathized.

"I'll go ask my parents if you can spend the night" was what I heard before receding footsteps and inaudible conversation. A few minutes later she returned. "My parents said that it's alright. You can come over and stay until Chet gets back. I'm shocked they said it was fine!"

"Thank you so, so much! I'll be over in a bit, I just need to get my stuff!"

"See you soon," and a dial tone. I rushed to pack a bag and heard my parents fighting, again.

I poked my head into their room. "I'm going to spend a few nights at a friend's house. We'll work on the math stuff, and I'll let you guys.. figure this out?" Then I noticed a look of worry on my mother's pale face. She nods and I left, partially wanting to help her but knowing I couldn't.

I knocked lightly on the Baker's front door and it swung open soon after. "Hello Bryce, come on in," said Mrs. Baker.

"Hi Mrs. Baker," I replied politely, offering a hand to shake. She took it and I grasped it firmly, attempting to seem put-together.

"I heard about what's happening at home, is everything alright?"

"N-not exactly. My parents, they haven't exactly been getting along very well," I explained without detail.

Just in time to save me from confessing what I had witnessed, Juli appeared next to her mother. "Hey Bryce, my room's over here if you wanna put your stuff down."

I smiled and nodded, "following her down a hallway of paintings. It struck me that I had never been here before, that knew these people. But I was determined to change that. Your dad's paintings are really pretty," I said softly.

"Oh, thanks, I think so too. He spends so much time on them, it's no surprise that people are willing to pay such good money for his art. Aren't they beautiful?" Juli elucidated, glowing with pride.

"They are," I said with a teeny smirk. "Like you."

Her face flushed red as we entered her room. It was about the same size as mine, with a double bed in the center and a painting of the sycamore tree suspended on the wall. "Aw... thanks..."

"I'm only stating the facts," I replied with a laugh.

She gave out a giggle, and I felt as though I had made it a bit too awkward.

"Anyways," Juli diverted, composing herself. "Since I only have one bed, we set up the air mattress over here." She pointed to the side of her bed.

"I guess they trust me to an extent," I teased.

Juli hit me playfully on the shoulder. "Shut up," she added with a smile.

Was the home situation really that bad after all?

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