Part 2

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Siddhant Bharatwaj...

He was getting ready for college...

Yes.. it is his first day of college...

Excuse me... not that he is a guy who just finished his school and getting ready for college...

It is his 3rd Post graduation degree and it is 1st class of his 3rd Post graduation...

Is it not strange...

Yes of course...

But what to do...

What else he can do...

Rich guy...

His father Rajender Bharatwaj is handling their family business...

Its not that his family is depending upon his earnings...

Hence after finishing his graduation... he started doing different post graduations in differnet subjects...

Even his friends wonder how he is getting interest for studying in different subjects...

But Siddhant is studious and he wont take much strain also to clear his papers...

Studious... Does this means a serious guy who attend all the classes and be a book work...

Not at all... He is really a naughty guy...

He wont take anything serious...

He attend college only for the minimum attendance days...

Rest of his college days will be spent on cinema theatre... indoor games.. outdoor games...

dances.. music.. extra curricular activities...

At all times he will be with group of friends...

The special thing is whoever spend time with him maximum wont clear the papers...

While Siddhant just go through the book once on previous day of exam and clear the papers easily...

He always believe life is to live...

What is there in taking anything serious...

Why to waste the single life which is given to enjoy...

He wont leave any chance to life his life to his fullest extent...

Hmmm... Now he got ready...

He waved bye to his parents without caring his mother words to have some food as breakfast...

He started his car and started towards...

Not the college...

Yes.. towards the bus stop...

Bus stop!!! 

But why???

Of course not to tease the girls...

His friends were waiting for him there in the bus stop near the college...

So they decided to meet in the bus stop and go together...

Finally he reached the place and found his few friends already waiting...

He parked the car in a corner and got down from the car...

Siddhant: Hi Friends...

Friends: Hi Siddhant...

He joined his friends and started chatting with them having fun...

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