Chapter 2: Meet the guys?

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Hey so i don't have many readers at all at the moment so please please share it and vote and suggest it to other readers! it would mean a lot! 

Anyway, here's the next part! hope you enjoy it, comment and let me know what you think?!


Rachel's POV*

I had known brad for a week now. We spend a lot of time at school together, during lumch breaks we would sit on the grass and chat, most of the time Jess and Megan would sit with us too and our other friend Tom, who Brad got along well with, which i was happy about because then they could go off and have 'lad time' as they put it. Me and Brad had got quite close over this week, he had told me a lot of things about him and his life and so had i, and we got on so well. There was something about him that just made me feel i could tell him anything and he wouldnt judge me or think i was weird, he would just understand. I had looked up Brad's band on youtube and i have to say they were amazing! i loved the way they sounded and Brad had said he was going to introduce me to his band mates which i was excited about because they look like hilarious people in their youtube videos! Currently, it was last lesson on a Friday, and me and Brad were sat in Biology, praying for the lesson to end soon.

"so, what are you up to this weekend?" Brad asked, looking up from the work sheet we had to fill in.

"Um, not much, i might go shopping with Jess but I don't know if i can be bothered really" i giggled, earning a glare from the teacher. I enjoyed shopping, but at the moment i didn't really want or need anything so i didn't really see any point in going.

"oh, right, well i was um going to ask if you wanted to come over to mine and meet the guys?" he hesitantly asked, eyes fixed on his worksheet all of a sudden. By 'the guys' he obviously meant his band mates. 

"oh yeah i'd love to! It would be nice to meet these lads you're always talking about" i teased as he playfully slapped my arm.

"hey i don't talk about them that much!" he protested. I raised my eyebrows and gave him a look waiting for him to admit it.

"ok fine, maybe i talk about them sometimes." he chuckled, returning to his worksheet once again. "I'll text you tomorrow morning then and give my adress and stuff?" he asked.

"yeah sounds good" i smiled. The teacher sshh'ed us and gave us a dirty look whist i tried not to laugh at how funny she looked when she glared. I was really excited to meet Brad's friends, i mean, surely that means he likes me as a friend? To be honest with you, i am starting to feel i might like Brad as more than a friend, he's so understanding and he always puts a smile on my face, even when i was in a terrible mood. Not to mention he was absolutely bloody gorgous!! 

 The end of the lesson finally came around and we were the first out of door making our way to our lockers to collect our things and finally go home! Jess as already at her locker and so we all made our way together out of the college.

"Jess do you want to come over to mine tonight? i have a few things i want to um talk to you about?" i asked hoping she would get the hint that i didn't want to talk to about these things infront of Brad, seeing as they were about him!

"yeah sure i'd love to" she smiled, " i'll go home and get a few things and then get the bus to yours later" she said as she texted her mum to let her know before turning and walking down the street to her house. "BYE BRAD BYE RACH" she shouted as she turned and waved, causing me and Brad to laugh about how silly she looked. My mum soon pulled up to pick my up and Brad said he was going to get the bus. 

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