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The town of Kiplon was a large town town containing visiting spots for tourists most of all. There were plain grassy meadow,mountains for hikers,old monuments and many ancient spots. The Academy itself was built in the 15th century as a hiding place for refugees.It was situated in the midst of Kiplon. It was built in an area which was near enough to the markets,shops, post office and village but away from the regular din and crowd. It was an ancient castle with 5 towers but was in a very good state. The castle was newly papered and repaired two years ago and was actually modern than its towers.As I have told before it was a castle with five towers around it.Each tower contained two dormitories(with 5 in each)for juniors,5 joint rooms (2 in each)for inters,10 small cosy rooms (1 in each )for seniors and 10 large airy room with smaller studies (1 in each ) for ultra seniors.There were 200 students in the whole academy,8 forms,5 houses and 4 divisions .There were 25 students in each form,40 students in each house and 50 in each division.(1st and 2nd form were juniors,3rd and 4th were inters,5th and 6th were seniors and 7th and 8th were ultra seniors. In the olden days the Academy had 8 towers but 3 of these were completely destroyed and four needed only little repairment. The one tower left wasn't completely destroyed but it was rebuilt. The five houses were named:Lily,Daisy,Daffodil,Poppy and Rose. Before we start the story let me tell you a little about our main characters.Iris was a tall blonde girl of 13, she could not be called a society beauty but she had a charm about her personality that everyone liked.She was firm and friendly and was patient with everybody. She was liked by almost everyone and was popular than poor Carrie ,who had many enemies. Carrie ,on the other hand was a short girl of 12. She was strikingly pretty with brownish auburn hair and hazel eyes under her long eyelashes. Reading was her hobby and she could read all day long if only given the opportunity. Only on thing that came in the way of her beauty,were the thick glasses that she wore.Unlike Iris Carrie was not patient and had outbursts of temper sometimes .She was kind of heart ,but was annoyed by stupid or arrogant people.No matter their differences Iris and Carrie were the best of friends. Sometimes Carrie was protective of her friend and there would be quarrels with other girls who wanted to have her as a partner. But lets not say Carrie was always right.

 But lets not say Carrie was always right

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Hey guys its me Nabeeha ! What do you think of this chapter please tell me in the comments below,thanks for reading my story .

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