????-???: are you lost?

Diana: no, but who are you?

Ox: I'm Ox the mayor of uglyville and imperfection

Lucky bat: I'm lucky bat

Babo: I'm Babo

Ugly dog: ugly dog but called me slick dog

Diana: slick dog?

Ugly dog: yeah slick dog is music to be cool show off try not someone think you're weird or something

Diana: ok...I'm Diana

Ox: well Diana it nice to meet- wait minutes are you Ella kids?

Diana: um yeah? And I know you when park on my birthday

Ox: yeah-

Nolan: hey sorry I'm so late to try- *look at Diana* A HUMAN!! HUMAN! THERE HUMANS!!

Ox: whoa Nolan it okay, it okay-

Nolan: okay?! What if she going tell anyone-

Ox: she not tell anyone, are you Diana?

Diana: no, I don't tell anyone

Nolan: oh well I'm actually fine with it so I'm Nolan and you're Diana?

Diana: yep


Eliveon keep looking everywhere in town and she look tried but she won't give up suddenly she spot at uglydolls and Jamie, Sunny, Bryan, Ryan with human girl, she find it as flew down on landed ground

Eliveon: I find you human....

Diana: me?

Eliveon: yeah, so you looking for Ella? *Diana nodded* come with me and thank you for find her Nolan

Nolan: no problem

Eliveon grab Diana on her right hand and flew off to Lou mansion house
Ella walk to see Lou and her family

Ella: hey Lou and guys

Lou: hey El, how was party?

Ella: great I eat Delicious cake, and cupcakes, pie, candy and all sweet in my life

Rose: that wonderful I'm glad you come back home Ella

Ella: yeah mom

Lou: that sound good El, well I'm not lucky that I don't go to the big world and met my child you know

Ella: yeah I know, but why that?

Lou: well I should just wanna say that... I-

?????: hey Ella

They turned around to see voice it was Eliveon hold Diana on her hand dragon

Ella: oh hey Eliveon, what going on? And...*look at Diana* Diana?

Diana: hey Ella, I finally find you to back my room....

Eliveon: actually kid she just got there our home so we had party to welcome her back she was happy

Diana: I know....but I just met uglydolls and your family I didn't know you had family but I think I just wanna to stay

Ella: Diana...I know you wanna me to stay with you but I don't have such time so I'm afraid you have to back from big world...I'm sorry darling

Diana: yeah...

Ella: but you can stay here with fun

Diana: hm what? Really?

Ella: yep so what kind of fun you like to do?

Diana: well I like to play um tennis ball

Ella: oh I love that sport! Good think! Come with us my dear

Diana: Okay

To be continued...

Another note: sorry it been while I just busy stuff you know coming up soon, bye guys love you! 😘

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