"Alright," Stan said as he tossed the extra chair across the room.

"Why can't she make it?" Mabel asked.

"She's gotta babysit," I answered.

"Welp, that's what ya get for being a babysitter," Stan added, taking his seat. "Which is exactly why I don't have that job."

"But technically you do, Mr. Pines," Soos spoked up as he gestured to Mabel and me.

Stan gave Soos a slight glare. "Soos, I'm gonna need you to do me a favor and shut your yaps." Soos saluted and dramatically closed his mouth.

I playfully rolled my eyes as we began to start our poker game. A little while into our game, Mabel was practically owning us. "King me!" she exclaimed and threw down her pile of cards to reveal all kings.

"Aww! Come on!" the rest of us groaned, throwing our card in the air. Mabel grinned widely and took the pile of chipackers. Stan was too cheap to buy actual playing chips.

"It's not fair, she doesn't even know what we're playing!" Stan complained.

"Go Fish?" Mabel questioned.

Suddenly, the faint sound of an electric guitar could be heard in the distance, causing the chandelier above us to shake. "Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head," Soos said as he picked at his ear.

"Try blinking to see if you can change the channel," Mabel suggested. Soos blinked a few times but nothing happened.

"Weeendy!" I heard Robbie's voice sing from outside. It was extremely off-key.

I rolled my eyes as I huffed. "Ugh, sounds like Robbie," I complained.

"Robbie?" Stan asked. "Is he that jerky twerp I see making goo-goo eyes at Wendy all the time?"

"He called me 'Big Dude' once," Soos mentioned. "I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it kinda hurt."

"Should I sic Waddles on him again?" Mabel asked. Mabel went to pet her pig but he started chewing on her sweater. She laughed. "Whoa, easy tiger."

I carefully thought over my next actions. Dani told me to just let the whole Robbie thing go, but he's getting under my skin. Maybe I can just try and talk to him instead of constantly battling with him. I sucked in a deep breath and stood up. "I'll handle it," I declared and left the room to head outside.

As I left, I could hear everyone chorusing, "Ooooooh!" Along with Stan adding, "Haha, conflict!"

Once I made it outside, I saw Robbie was standing with his guitar in hand and his foot propped up on an amp, singing way off-key. "Wendy! Wendy, Wendy!" he sang ten shouted, "Wendy! C'mon out, girl! C'mon down!"

I walked up to him, agitated. "You realize she's not here, right?" I asked.

Robbie scoffed. "Yes!" he stated then gave me a nervous glance. "...What?"

"She's out camping with her family today," I explained then muttered, "And if you listened to her for once you'd know that."

But Robbie heard me. "What was that?!" he growled, stepping off the amp and storming up to me.

"I—just said she's not here," I tried to cover up.

"No, no, no! You want to get into it, huh? Let's get into it, kid!" he shouted. "You think I don't know what's been going on, huh? It's obvious you and your girlfriend don't want me dating Wendy, don't you? Don't you?!"

The situation was starting to get out of hand so I tried to lie my way out of it. "What? No! C'mon, man!" I exaggerated.

"Yeah, I'm sure she's just DYING to listen to 12-year old kids with one who wears the exact same shorts every day," Robbie said sarcastically then pulled out his phone. "Hey, here's an idea: why don't I call her right now and see if she wants to talk to you about our relationship?" He then dialed Wendy's number and it started to ring.

Just A Normal Summer (Dipper x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें