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"Oh my god im going to cry" Winter spoke waiting to go out, "do we need another group hug?" Jeff questioned sarcasticly, "GROUP HUG" Matt shouted brining them all in to a big hug. "Get ready" the stage hand shouted over the iconics music, "go" he commanded and with that there music hit and make there way out to the ring Winter and Jeff with there tittle belt and the whole crowed goes whiled.

"This match is scheduled for one fall the 4 times diva tage team champions and one half of the mixed tage team champions Winter and Reby and in the other corner the Iconics" the announcer spoke with that the bell rang and the match started with Winter and Billie Kay it was going strong they locked up into a hip tos to a drop kick then Winter taged in Reby. Then sudenly both Billy and Peyton started to beat on Reby so Winter came in and then all of a sudden Winter speared both of them out of no were macking the cowed go whiled. "WTF" the audence started to shout, suddenly Winter and Reby looked at eatch oher and they new exactly what to do they draged them to two corners climbed to the top ropes turend around and done a 360 degreese flip from the top rope, coursing the reff to start counting 1,2,3 ding, ding.

"The winners of the match Reby and Winter" the ring announcer anounced and with that said the boys came in to the ring. "I cant do this Jeff" Winter started to choke up, "deep breath" Jeff spoke and with that said Winter grabed a mic.

Jeff hardyWhere stories live. Discover now