"Tell her this is from one of the musicians. She'll want to leave, and you're going to want to help her slip out the back exit so Marcel doesn't see. Whatever you do, don't let her out of your sight." Klaus demands. Cami looks slightly annoyed, but when she turns around to talk to Klaus, he has already zoomed away

"Wait, Davina!" Cami calls. She runs to catch up with her.


Amelia was eating ice cream in her hotel room when her phone started buzzing. 

"Yes Rebekah?" She answers.

"I need you to come with me to the Bayou. Elijah made me promise to protect Hayley, and since technically you're her best friend, you get to help me," Rebekah informs her.

"I am, actually, her best friend so yes I will help you. But why do we need to go to the Bayou?" Amelia asked. 

"Because Hayley actually followed through with that witchy doctor's appointment," Rebekah said with distaste. Amelia smacked her forehead. 

"Are you kidding me!? I thought she was at least smarter than that!" Amelis exclaimed.

"Yeah, well obviously not. Come on, we have to hurry," Rebekah said. 

"I'll be there in a second," Amelia says. She shoved her phone into her back pocket, and then vampire sped to the Mikaelson Mansion to meet Rebekah. 


The men who raided the clinic are still looking for Hayley in the woods behind the clinic, and they pass her, not seeing that she's hiding behind a tree. She runs up to them and kicks the first man she encounters in the gut before knocking him to the ground. She jumps and kicks the second man down as well as she snaps his neck. A third man tries to attack her, but she grabs a knife from his hands and cuts his neck with it as she spins in the air. When a fourth lunges toward her, she grabs his shotgun and knocks him to the ground, and possibly kills him as she kicks him and beats him in the head with the butt of the gun. As Hayley crouches into a defensive position on the ground, her eyes flash werewolf-gold as she looks around for any more threats. A large, burly man descends upon her, but before Hayley can react, his neck is snapped from behind by Amelia, who has just arrived with Rebekah. 

"Have to say, I'm impressed," Rebekah said from behind the masked Original. 

"How did you find me?" Hayley asked. 

"Your text got me halfway, vamping here did the rest. Who are they?" Rebekah asked. 

"Witches. Warlocks. Whatever," Hayley told the two. Amelia notices more men with flashlights in the distance heading toward them.

"There're more of them. Run!" Amelia cries. Hayley reluctantly heeds her warning.

"If I had a dollar for every mess my family has got me into..." Rebekah muttered to herself. Suddenly, Rebekah is shot in the heart with two arrows, which temporarily neutralize her and she falls to the ground. Hayley sees her go down and watches in horror as Amelia suffers the same fate. 

"Amelia! Rebekah!" Hayley cried. Hayley is shot in the shoulder with an arrow, which seems to be coated in something that causes her to pass out and fall to the ground as well. 


Rebekah awakens in the woods of the Bayou after passing out from being shot in the heart with an arrow. She pulls out the arrows with a groan of pain and sits up to find five or more bodies surrounding her, all of which look as though they were mauled. She looks to her right to see Amelia waking up as well. Amelia looks around in horror when she doesn't see Hayley.

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