She smiles, flashing her white teeth, and makes a note on her paper, "I see that you have been taking your medication. That's great! How is it working for you?"

I had taken my medication every night since it was prescribed, I didn't exactly want to, but a little birdie told me it would make my discharge date come quicker. Thank you, Louise!

"It's working, I guess. At first I was little on edge, but I think that was just my body getting used to it. I'm fine now, I haven't had any freak outs."

Once again, she smiles, "Great, Luke! I'm so happy that this is working. I have been looking through your records and noticed that you were on Zoloft, is that correct?"

I nod in response.

"And you took yourself off of it on your own, why is that?"

I reach for the hem of my jeans for the second time today, "It wasn't working."

She nods, taking several notes this time and flips open her manila file folder, "We need to get you properly medicated. The medication will help control your depression, doesn't that sound great? We want you to be healthy, Luke, so I am going to put you on Paxil."

She continues on to explain Paxil to me. What the pill looks like, when I will take it, all of the side effects. I just nod along to her words, taking in as much information as I can handle. It's a lot, maybe even too much, but I don't tell her this. She writes out a prescription for me and states it will be given to the doctor as soon as possible.  She waves as I exit the room, but I don't wave back.

I shuffle down the hall to Room 7, the door is closed but the light is on, so I go in. Michael is curled up under his thin blanket, The Scorch Trials in hand. As I make an appearance, Michael looks up, a smile forming on his pink lips. I roll my eyes at him, still upset with him for ignoring me during lunch. I sulk over to my bed and flop down, heaving an exaggerated sigh.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks, the sound of his book closing and slapping against the desk.

My brow furrows and I instantly sit up, "What's wrong? Michael! You ignored me at lunch to talk to Jai! You're all buddy-buddy with him now!"

Michael swings his legs over the side of his bed, his bottom lip jutting out in a pout.

"Come here," he says, patting the empty space beside him.

I huff and make my way over, sitting a few inches away from him. He is quick to close the gap, scooting himself up against me.

"Jai and I are just friends, why are you so upset?"

Tears brim my eyes, "Because I'm your friend! I'm the one you're supposed to confide in, I'm supposed to be saving you! Not him... not Jai."

Michael grabs my shoulders gingerly, pulling me in to his comforting embrace. And I break down, silently crying into his chest, wetting the material of his sweater. He presses his cheek against my hair, his hand playing with the slight curls at the nape of my neck.

"Jai and I are just friends, Luke," Michael says and I sniffle, "It's only you, Luke. Only you."

I sit back a little, his hand leaves my hair and he uses the pads of his thumbs to wipe away my tears. Our eyes meet, emerald green pouring in to baby blue. I lean forward, my forehead pressed lightly against his.

And then it's happening.

The entire world stops spinning, freezing in that moment of time. Because here, in Room 7 on the in-patient floor of Douglas Memorial Hospital in Sydney, Austrailla, Michael's lips are pressed to mine.

And in that moment, I am infinite.

His lips are baby soft, a faint taste of cherry flavoured Chap-Stick. Our lips move together perfectly in sync as butterflies erupt deep within my core. His hand comes to caress my cheek, mine moving to the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me. 

We kiss for an eternity, only pulling away when the lack of oxygen over powers our lungs. His forehead is pressed to mine, my heart beating so fast it just might pop right out of my chest.

"You are so perfect," Michael whispers breathlessly.

And I think I'm in love.

• • • • • • • • • •

1. This story has reached over 3K, which is absolutely amazing and I cannot thank you enough. It means so much to me.

2. As promised, due to Psych reaching 3K I have posted the intro to a new story. It is called Sweater Paws and is a Muke story!

3. In celebration of reaching 3K, I wanted to give back! So, tonight I will be going through the chapters of this story and dedicating chapters to some of you! I want you guys to know that I notice you and all of the votes and comments! So be prepared for that!

4. If you write on Wattpad, this one is specifically for you! If you would like to have your story promoted to over 1K people or have it reviewed and the review seen by over 1K people, head over to Twitter and follow @ WattyBookReview! All you have to do is follow the account and request to have your story promoted. If you want it reviewed, go to their Ask.FM (which is linked in their bio) and send in a question with your story and author username! I help run the account!

So, can we talk about that Muke kiss? I mean, come on!

Do you think this will change anything between them?

Predictions for next chapter?


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