ok i need 2 rant

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Like??? What do Chosen, Caleb, and Sadie have to do for you guys to love them???

My underrated babies?? They're literally so talented and gorgeous but you guys always ignore them??

Like I'm sorry but how do you remember ever loser except for Mike? W/o him reddie wouldn't have met up again, but you guys aren't ready for that conversation yet

Caleb and Sadie have the cutest friendship! They're so adorable and lovable, but everyone ignores them

Why? Like I'm not hating on Noah, Millie, or Finn (I love them all) but can't Caleb and Sadie get a little more love from the fandom?? Please??

Mike Hanlon and Lucas Sinclair do not get the recognition they deserve. Lucas saved the party's asses multiple times, not to mention he was the only one to apologize to Will. Mike Hanlon got our losers back together!! W/o him, there wouldn't be an It chapter two!!

Sadie is an amazing actress and I'm sick of people comparing her to Millie. They're really good friends and stuff like that ends friendships.

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