017 :::: merry almost chrisler

Start from the beginning

Finally at home, or rather, James' summer home, you flopped down onto the couch with exhaustion. Surprisingly enough, Severus was there, reading. Craving attention, you made a big, audible, overdramatic sigh.

Severus rolled his eyes.

You sighed again, louder than the first time and tossed your head back. In your mind, you were chanting, attention attention attention. You didn't exactly know why you wanted attention, but you were bored and it'd be nice to have someone to talk to, even if it was Severus.

Severus bookmarked his page and glanced at you, his eyebrows raised quizzically. "What?" He asked.

You put a hand to your forehead dramatically, and said, "Have you ever been in love?"

Severus started to laugh. You dropped your act for a second to give him a what the hell look, and finally he calmed down.

"Is this what that's all about?" Severus asked, a hint of menace as well as curiosity in his voice.

"Well, yes, it is." You said defiantly, crossing your arms across your chest. He could at least pretend to care.

Severus put his book down and turned to face you. "Well, go on."

"What?" You asked.

"Oh come on, I know you're not going to drop this— whatever it is. Just get it over with."

"Oh, um, ok then." You shifted in your seat. "You know James?"

"Hmm, I wonder," Severus mocked sarcastically, "maybe the guy that's been an asshole to me as long as we've known each other? The 'star' quidditch captain leading his team to victory, every fucking time, leaving people like me in the dust? Beloved by all, even teachers will let some of his pranks slide? The most popular guy in the school? Oh, or maybe he's the guy that some chic wrote a fucking love letter to?! Twice?!?! Do I look like an idiot to you?!?!?!"

Severus was, clearly, getting pretty damn pissed. You supposed that talking to him about the guy he legitimately despised was a bad idea, but then again, he did set himself up for the next thing to come out of your mouth.

"Well—" You tried you joke, but he wasn't having it.

"Don't even, Y/L/N. The point is, I think I have an inkling to who the guy is."

Severus was salty. Very salty. Why, you didn't know, you never really paid much attention to those kind of things. But either way, you plowed on, however a little more cautiously this time.

"Well, I, um, I'm not a hundred percent sure if he likes me the way I like him. And please," you said quickly, not wanting him to interrupt you, "don't be like Marlene and Lily. I know, he kissed me, but... I'm just not sure what it meant to him. I mean, he's kissed loads of girls before, it's not like I'm his first. But still... I dunno, I guess I'd like your opinion on the matter. But I understand if you don't want to," you added hurriedly, "I get it. And I hope I don't sound... spoilt, I guess."

Severus studied you for a moment, not entirely sure what to say. Or rather, he knew what to say, just not how to say it.

"He's... hard to tie down, I imagine." He said. "Of course he's had other girlfriends before, you have to remember that he's still the big popular guy. And even though I don't like the bloke— merlin, I hate him— it's pretty obvious that you like him and he means a lot to you. Have you seen how happy he is lately? Makes my blood boil— but I'm fairly sure that's because of you. And I know that because you're a Gryffindor and all that you don't want to admit it, but I know you know he likes you. Oh," he added with a smirk, "you did sound a bit spoilt."

You punched him lightly on the shoulder, unable to wipe the grin off your face. "Do not," you laughed.

"Do too."

You rolled your eyes. "Whatever. Just— thank you. It means a lot to me."

Severus seemed too cold to know how to respond, but it didn't matter. You were off to go find James, and to tell him how you really feel.

Face to face.

For the first time.

It was going to be great.

꒰ 🥨💌🖇 ꒱

꒰ 🥨💌🖇 ꒱

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SO I WROTE A LETTER! ☆ james potter x fem! reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now