S'mores and Cybomb and Stuff (A Fallout Tale)

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The group of adventurers were walking around in the wasteland like they usually did. Cywren was walking in front of her followers, Timebomb and Bryan were talking together and Sarah, Copper and Quasar were behind also following. The followers weren't sure where Cywren was headed, she had just told them to follow her because they were going on a trip.

The sun was setting in the horizon already but they were still walking "Cywren?" Asked Timebomb "Yeah Timebomb?" "It's getting dark, shouldn't we stop for the night?" Cywren saw the sunset and nodded "You're right, it's getting dark" Cywren scanned around and saw a hill and she walked there. "This looks like a good place, let's rest here" The group agreed and they put their weapons and sat down, looking as the sun setting from the hill. Copper went to find a barrel to start a fire for the group. When he came back, he lighted the fire in the barrel and sat down.

Everybody was out of their Armor and enjoying the warm fire, all silent, It stayed that way for a few minutes until the red headed girl finally broke the silence by asking "Guys? Have any of you eaten S'mores before?" Everybody looked up to her with such a random question "Yeah, we used to make them back in Little Lamplight" Timebomb said and then he chuckled "I remember when we almost burned the whole place because we were fooling around with the fire" he then turned to Sarah "What about you Lyons?" Sarah answered with "I think I did when I was a kid but that was a loooong time ago" Cywren smiled and turned to Bryan who was sitting next to her poking the dirt with a stick "What about you Bryan?" The boy looked up with a surprised look in his face "Me? I don't think so, I don't even know what a S'more is" Cywren chuckled "We'll this is why I have this" The redhead took out some thing and laid them down on the floor, It was Marshmallows, Chocolate bars and Graham crackers "Cywren? Where did you get all of this?" asked Sarah “Oh, from a tradesman that I found when I came back from Point Lookout” “But Cywren all these things in the wasteland is very rare” Copper said "I know! That's why when I saw them with the ingredients, I just had to buy them but I wanted to keep it a surprise for you guys"

Cywren took the ingredients and opened them, she gave each member, except Quasar, four Graham crackers, two pieces of chocolate and two marshmallows for two S'mores and gave herself the same amount. She then gave her followers one long stick to roast the marshmallows "Cywren?" Asked Bryan "What about Quasar? What are you going to give him?" Cywren looked at Quasar and petted him "Dogs can't have chocolate because it's bad for them but he can have a Graham Cracker and marshmallow and this," Cywren then took a large bone and gave it to Quasar who barked and licked his owner and took the bone, laid down and started chewing it happily.

"Cywren?" Bryan asked again "Yes?" "I don't know how to make S'mores" Timebomb stood up and went next to Bryan "It's easy, first you have to roast your marshmallow by putting it on the stick and putting it over the fire, like this" Timebomb put the marshmallow in the stick and over the fire. Bryan repeated the same thing and put his marshmallow over the fire with the stick, all the other followers then joined and roasted their marshmallows.

"How do you know when there ready?" Said Bryan "Untill it has a light brown type of color" replied Timebomb, Bryan was holding his marshmallow very close to the fire without paying attention, Copper noticed. "Bryan! You're holding the marshmallow too close to the fire!" Said Copper. Bryan shook his head and took the marshmallow out but it was burned "Aw man" he said "Don't worry you can use the other marshmallow" Cywren said getting the marshmallow and giving it to the young boy who had a sad expression on his face.

Timebomb looked at Cywren and exchanged glances of worry, Timebomb then looked down at Bryan "Hey kiddo, You have something in your mind?" The boy looked up at the young man "No Timebomb, it's just that... I just wish that me and my dad could have been like this, a happy family like you guys" Cywren and her followers looked at eachother "I just really miss my dad" Cywren knelt down beside Bryan "Look Bryan, I also miss my dad, he isn't with me anymore too but I keep him alive inside my mind. Wherever he is right now, I know he is taking care of me all the time, I bet your father is doing the same with you"

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