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Alexanne manages to eat with Emilienne, Violette, and I for supper, but her hands shake from exhaustion.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask, even though I've already asked this more than once.

Alexanne forces a faint smile, "I'm sure I'm fine. I'm already feeling better than I was this morning. I'm here, aren't I?"

I want to tell her of everything that happened in the courtyard, but there are servants all around us.

We're mostly silent around the table. There's a thousand things we want to say to each other, but each is too dangerous to say aloud.

Once we've finished picking through our meals, Violette catches my eye. She tilts her head slightly in Alexanne's direction.

After fifteen years of growing up with her, I understand what she means. She wants me to talk to Alexanne, update her, and ask her if she wants to come with us to question the servants.

I turn to her, "Alexanne, could I walk you back to your room? I need to talk to you again about what we discussed early today."

"Sure, I want to talk to you anyway." Alexanne pushes herself up from her seat. I pretend not to notice how much her legs tremble.

Noelle, her lady in waiting, says, "Is that such a good idea, Alexanne? After this, don't you want some rest?"

"I think I can talk to Admira for a few minutes." I don't know how Alexanne can be so patient with Noelle.

Alexanne and I pass by Emilienne on the way out of the room. I whisper in her ear, "I'll be in the Sitting Room in ten minutes."

She nods shortly. Alexanne stumbles all the way to her room.

I don't say anything, but she feels my concerned stare on her back.

"I'm fine. I'm just a little preoccupied, thinking about..."


"About the...the murder."

"It's horrible, isn't it?"

"I just don't...." Her voice is soft and weak. A tear gathers in each of her eyes.

"Oh, Alexanne," I rush to her side, "I didn't mean to upset you."

We reach her bedroom door. I push it open for her and she slips inside. She collapses on to her bed.

I say, "We went to courtyard, looked for about a minute, and an investigator appeared. He commanded us that we were never to come to that courtyard again, at least until the investigation is over."

Alexanne gasps, "Is he going to tell William?"

"I don't know. He seemed a little cold, but not necessarily mean. Just...above us."

"Did you figure anything out while you were there?"

"All that was left were bloodstained cobblestones. But we have a plan. In just a few minutes, we are going to go try to talk to some of the servants that knew Evette. Maybe they'll tell us something that they wouldn't tell the investigator. Do you want to come?"

Alexanne looks away, "I wish I could, but I'm afraid I'd only slow you down. Besides, if I am sick with something, I wouldn't want to infect all the servants."

"You wouldn't be a bother if you wanted to come. The servants might trust us more if all four of us are there."

"I need the rest. But, you have to tell me absolutely everything you learn."

"Of course," I say, "If you're not going then, I need to get to the Sitting Room. I'll send Noelle, okay?"

"That'll be perfect. Thank you. You should try to learn more about the investigator too. He could be working with someone. He could be hiding the courtyard from you to keep you from finding out the true facts," Alexanne says.

Chasing Royalty (Chasing Royalty Series, #1)Where stories live. Discover now