If It Shows Up It Blows Up, Dollface

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■Ashley Kay's POV■

It was all over the news, and the accident at the casino set fear and panic into my head. The reporters called it a sickness but I knew better, it was the evil. The same evil that had taken the life of my parents 4 years ago; and now it's coming back for me.

The bar I was sat in was quiet and the only people left were the usual customers that would stop by after work to relax and have a drink. Relax. That's something I wished I could do, but unfortunately not everyone gets to have such a simple life like that.

I looked down to check my phone before 3 individuals walked in the door. One was a girl with brown curly hair, and brown eyes; the other was a young latino looking man with a mustache; and the last was an older gentlemen with slicked black hair and piercing eyes, damn was he good looking for his age. I took mental note of the prosthetic hand on his right arm, and couldn't help but grow curious as to what happened to it as I watched them all take a seat in a booth at the other end of the bar.

■Ash's POV■

"I could use some drinks, your treat." I managed to break a half smile on Kelly's face before she shoved her nose into her cell phone. Pablo just sat across from me and shook his head before doing the same.

A female bartender approached our table.

"And what can I get for you three?"

I smiled nice and pretty up at her. "Well-" I leaned in and read her nametag. "Nikki, which is a smokin' hot name by the way. I will take a Miller, and a couple mixed drinks for my little ignorant friends here."

"Sorry if I'd rather listen to something I enjoy than listen to you flirt with anything with a pussy between it's legs." Kelly spoke up, causing me to chuckle

When the bartender moved out of my line of vision I caught sight of a younger woman on the other side of the bar.

Her red hair looked like fire, her grayish eyes like gunpowder; and her body, god damn if every woman had a body like hers I'd be a very happy man. I felt eyes on me and turned my head to see Kelly and Pablo giving me a look.


"Oh no, you aren't about to go hook up with some random chick in the womans bathroom again, no way." Kelly shook her head at me.

"And sorry to say El Jefe-.." Pablo began to speak before leaning in and whispering. "She looks like a lesbian."

"Now hold on a second, you-" I pointed a finger to Kelly. "Aren't my boss, and you-" I pointed to Pablo now. "Every woman looks like a lesbian to you, maybe if you'd stop assuming that you'd get laid as much as I do. You have a girlfriend and I still get it more than you. So go back to your phones."

I sat back and sipped my beer when it was brought to me, turning my attention back to the woman across the bar.

■Ashley Kay's POV■

I tried not to stare at the man at the other end of the bar, even though he was staring directly at me. A man walked up to my left and I turned my head as he spoke.

"You look mighty fine, mind if I buy you a drink little lady?"

He stunk of alcohol and Cuban cigars, I smiled a little, attempting my best to hid the disgust I felt. "No. Thank you for the offer though." I said to him before turning my attention back to the TV behind the bar.

"Then I'm afraid your going to have to die." A raspy voice now emitted from him. I turned to him once more and noticed his eyes had clouded over, becoming a deadite.

"Oh no.." My heartrate jumped and I screamed as he attacked me.

■Ash's POV■

I was watching the game on the TV when I was interrupted by a scream. Looking over to the young lady I was watching earlier I saw a deadite with it's hands wrapped around her neck.

"God damn it.."

I ran out to the Delta and pulled on my chainsaw, locking it in place before running back inside and kicking it off of the woman.

"Didn't your momma ever teach you not to put your hands on a lady? You fucking maggot-bag."

I revved my chainsaw and lunged at the deadite, it dodged me and I stood my ground. It tried to run at me and I tripped it, pinning it to the ground with my foot as I rammed my chainsaw down, cutting off its head.

I looked down at myself to see I was covered in blood and skin chunks before I noticed the young woman sitting on the floor against the wall. I removed my chainsaw and approached her slowly.

"You okay, Miss? Not hurt are ya?"

"No.. I-I'm okay."

Her tone was shaky as she looked up at me from the body of the deadite on the ground.

"You must have done that before, haven't you?"

She asked me, I chuckled a bit and wiped off my hand with a rag.

"If it shows up it blows up, Dollface. Names's Ash."

I offered my hand to shake hers, looking down at her. She looked at my hand before taking it and giving me firm shake.

"I'm Ashley."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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