Kendrick Lamar

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Bitch I did not know that you get down like that you drink way to much and messed around with Kendrick Lamar and now y'all woke up next to each room really likes you and you really like him so I don't see what the problem is so I am still a little lost right now but it's ok because to see you to bound while y'all are sober sucks I would rather see two drunk 😵 people fight then two sober people fight because it's seems like it would be a better fight because I want to see who gets beat up 🤕 the worst or a sober person fight a drunk 🥴 person who will win do y'all know please comment in my comments please because I am nosy as shit and I want to know shit like who the fuck won the fight but anyway you get pregnant 🤰🏾 but will you be having a boy 👦🏾 or a girl 👧🏾 or both don't forget that I write freaky shit in my books so if you don't think that you can handle it then you should exit out right now we'll you should have been exited out on the first page but you didn't oh well I guess your still her but I did warn you didn't I so don't say I didn't  and I don't want any nasty comments and I know but y'all do make a cute couple together and y'all already love each other because y'all were crushing on each other since y'all were both in high school but y'all never told each other which is crazy to me why would you stay quiet about that I think that people should be more like me just say you like that person if you do no matter what happens but just know that you did it and that you got it out the way you should be very proud of yourself and even if they say no at least you told them and that's what important always speak what's on your mind no matter thats what my uncle taught me and not only are my books entertainment I would say that they are also educational to because this is real life shut and I don't know 🤷🏾‍♀️ how being a mother feel so I am just putting out my opinion on that and how I think it works and yes I would

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