Chapter 4

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Simba woke up every morning when the sun stretched over the lands shining bright.
The king got up and stretched while yawning as he cracked his back.
He noticed his wife waking up by him and his daughter still fast asleep near him but he noticed his son Kion was not in their den.
Simba frantically looked around not seeing him anywhere he calmed himself saying that he was on patrol or with the Lion Guard.
He walked to the mouth of the den relived seeing his son coming up the ledge of Pride rock.
"Son what are you doing up so early the sun just rose" he questioned the young lion who looked a bit nervous.
"Dad can I talk to you and mom for a sec" Kion was nervous about what he would say to the people who hated hyenas.
"Ask us about what" Nala yawned coming out of the den looking at her husband and son.
Kion noticed Kiara watching curiously what he had to ask his parents.
Kion took a deep breath as they all sat down Kion finally spoke up.
"So when I was in the Outlands I didn't come back on my own I was saved by an Outlander she saved my life and helped me back to the Pridelands".

Kion took another deep breath before continuing.
"It upset someone causing them to attack her and she was able to make it to me to get help but she was very injured so the guard and I took her to Rafiki and now she's resting before you say anything she respects the circle of life and needs to stay here please."
The king and queen were shocked an outlander in their land they turned to each other talking threw their eyes but Nala spoke up for both of them.
"If she respects our ways she is welcome to stay in our lands" she stated but Kion bit his lip.
"Um, one more key factor shes a hyena" Kion said causing both of their shocked faces to return.
"A hyena why would you let a hyena here"! Simba growled.
"Dad I just told you why". Simba was starting to fume.
"I thought you meant like a rouge Lion or croc, not a filthy hyena I want her out of the Pridelands as soon as possible".
"But dad she respects the circle of life and she saved me if it weren't for her I'd be dead" Kion snapped at his father gaining some confidence.
Simba was silent as the father and son just glared at each other Nala broke the silence as well as the tension between them.

"Simba if she saved him we should give her a chance even if she is a hyena" Nala reasoned with her husband another silence filled the air.
"Fine she can stay if she does anything terrible than she leaves immediately" he snarled going back in the den.
Nala smiled as Kion immediately raced down to go find Jasiri.

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