|neverending story by stray kids|

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(Seungmin, BangChan , Changbin):
Remember the first day we met
A shy smile and the sunlight falling
I knew, just by looking into your eyes
That we're one
That we're one
That you're me

(Changbin, SeungminHan):
Whenever you smile, whenever it's hard for you
I'll always protect you
For you
I can go against time
So I can appear in front of you
I believe, I believe
Even if the world changes
Can you promise that we won't change?

(Felix, BangChan):
At this beautiful place
All the memories where I loved you
Will become a neverending story
It'll shine

(Seungmin, LeeKnowHan):
Never say goodbye
Because we are one
Because we will walk together in the same dream
Continue smiling by my side just like this moment
Longer than tomorrow, farther than eternity
I love you
(Changbin, FelixSeungmin, *BangChan*, **I.N**):
At night when I couldn't sleep because of my worries
I looked at you and made a promise to the sky
Even if my dreams are so far away
I promise that I won't let go of both hands
Even if you lose your way for a moment or get lonely
*Listen to my voice with a small breath*
**If you call me, no matter where you are
I'll go and find you**

(Hyunjin, FelixBangChan):
I promised that I wouldn't cry
Even on stormy days
I promised that I'll hug you even more warmly and protect you
The love you gave me still remains
That's how I have the strength to live
You don't cry
Only say hello when we meet again
Never cry

(I.N, LeeKnow):
The story we created will remain like this
We'll make the never-ending days become beautiful
I want to always live in a bright dream
Forever in your heart
(BangChan, LeeKnowHan):
Never say goodbye
Because we are one
Because we will walk together in the same dream
Continue smiling by my side just like this moment
Longer than tomorrow, farther than eternity
I love you

(Hyunjin, Changbin):
Although saying ''I love you'' might be a little obvious
I can't save those words
I care about you more than anything in the world
Your own tomorrow, your own tomorrow
Waiting for tomorrow just for you
All day, making a story that won't ever end
The ending is like the title

(BangChan, Han):
Continue smiling by my side just like this moment
Longer than tomorrow, farther than eternity
My love

(Seungmin, LeeKnowHan):
Never say goodbye
Because we are one
Because we will walk together in the same dream
Continue smiling by my side just like this moment
Longer than tomorrow, farther than eternity
I love you

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