Chapter Two.

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"Do you hear that..?" Allison questioned as soon as Francis returned.

"Here what, shortie?" Francis chuckled.

"That voice.." Allison mumbled, continuing to stare out of the hotel window.

"Uhm, No..?" Francis sighed. "You're probably just tired, Alli-"

"Yeah.. you're probably right.." Allison sighed, standing up, and closing the curtains to the window.

"Snacks are in my bag if ya get hungry," Francis sighed, laying on the bed closet to the wall.

Allison nodded and sighed, laying the other bed, the one closest to the window. As she closed her eyes, she heard the singing once more. She pulled the blankets over her head to ignore the noise, but after it wouldn't stop, she sighed and sat up.

"Francis, I'm going out.. lock the door." Allison sighed, starting to head out.

"Who are you? Where are you? And what do you want?" Allison asked in a low whisper.

The only response was once again the soft singing.

Sighing, Allison started to walk through the streets of Pairs. She saw a tall, young women in a gorgeous light pink dress, looking as if the women was from the 1700's.

Confused, she started to walk closer to get a better look but the woman was gone. Confused but this, she went to a couple, who were near where the stranger was.

"Uh.. Bonjour.. Avez-vous vu une grande dame vêtue d'une robe rose?"
(Hello, have you seen a lady in a pink dress?)

They couple shook their head, "Non." (No.)

Allison sighed and continued to walk again.

When she heard the voice again, she sighed and started to listen to music, to block out the sound.

As she continued to walk, she ended up in a crowd, confused by this, she looked up to see The Guillotine and a prisoner.

"What the.." She mumbled, stepping close.

"Marie..?" She said, recognizing the face from all the portraits she's seen of the Beheaded Queen.

Hearing the singing was more, the blade dropped, beheading the Queen once more.

Allison watched absolutely terrified, She jumped when she felt some touch her shoulder.

"Madame? Est-ce que tu vas bien?"
(Ma'am? Are you alright?)
A man asked.

"Oui .. juste voir des choses je suppose .. "
(Yes, Just seeing things I suppose..)

The man recommended that she should head back to where ever she was stay and she agreed, going back to the hotel.

Allison sighed when she arrived, hearing the singing again as she shut and locked the door. She ignored the sound best she could and laid down, falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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