"Ronaldo" Andy day

"I think I'd quite fancy the queen or trump" Kate says

"What?" You ask laughing

"The queen or trump?" Roman asks with a smirk

"You love power Kate" Roman says as he sits on the throne making you laugh and then Caitlyn says that Donald trump phoned her on Father's Day

"What about you Ro?" You ask

"Jay Z" he replies

"What?" You ask laughing

"Why wouldn't you want to be Jay Z?" Roman asks laughing "like imagine waking up Beyoncé is your wife, you're like what a billionaire" Roman says

"You'd rather be Jay Z over Kanye?" Caitlyn asks

"RIP roman" you say laughing

"I think that Jay Z lives a quieter life than Kanye" Roman replies and Caitlyn agrees

"Good save" you say

"Who would you want to be Caitlyn?" You ask

"There's no one I would want to be I'm very happy where I'm at" Caitlyn says which is nice and a while later you're sitting in andys hammock as he swings it and you're both singing Merry Christmas everyone while Roman and is doing some form of martial arts with spoons or something like that

"This is like a proper swing from the park" Andy says

"Are you two alright, having fun there?" Roman asks

"Yeah we are having great fun" you say

"Having fun swinging on your little hammock" Caitlyn says to you

"Do you think you've met people you'd want to meet on the outside?" Roman asks Caitlyn

"Never" Caitlyn says laughing and you burst out laughing at the response

"I think you've always been quite honest that you'll leave us for Malibu" roman says

"You're always invited" Caitlyn says to you all

"Yeah we are invited to the front gate" you say laughing

"Yeah I don't know if I'll open the gate" Caitlyn says leaving you and Roman in stitches laughing

You and the girls are talking about inspiration and how the jungle had affected your lives

"You're an inspiration Caitlyn" you say

"Yeah like you're seventy!" Jac gasps

"I wouldn't have guessed that" you say shocked still

"I'm seventy!" Caitlyn shouts making you all laugh and then you're told that Jac and Nadine have a dingo dollar challenge so they are away leaving you, the boys, Kate and Caitlyn in the camp.

You're on Romans hammock and he's got his arms wrapped around you as you start to feel tired and fall asleep in his arms but are shortly woken up by Ro shaking you gently

"Wake up the phone" brad says softly

"Hmm" you groan and you see Kate had answered the phone

"What percentage of adults think that a jackpot lottery would not change them 45% or 25%?" Kate asks

"I'd go for A" you say and then you take a vote which results in A and then you and Ro join everyone else down at the fire

"What would you buy if you won the lottery?" You ask

"I'd buy a house for my entire family" Roman says and then he starts listing a bunch of other things he's buy and Caitlyn has never heard of Ibiza which makes you laugh

"Chocolate over everything!" You hear Jac chant and you all cheer as you see Nadine holding something

"You guys are going to die!" Nadine says and they reveal chocolate cupcakes

"No!" You say

You all then cheers your cupcakes and you're all sitting in silence enjoying the cake

"That is so good" you say and then Roman start chewing the paper making you burst out laughing and you give to your wrapper and he eats that as well

"Thank you" he says with a small smile

A while later dinner arrives

"Dinner" you cheer

Roman reads the letter to reveal you've got kangaroo tail

"Kangaroo tail?" You ask confused and everyone starts chopping the food mainly Roman

"Thank you so much" you say as and it was extremely tough and then Andy comes with the drinks so you and Roman cheer and dance.

You all cheers your cocktails

"Twenty days in the jungle and we are still alive!" You cheer

"Does anyone want a suck of my pina colada?" Kate asks making you and Roman burst out laughing

"Down it and don't get frisky up in bed" Caitlyn says and winks at you and brad

"I do get quite frisky after a pina colada" Kate says

"Wow pipe down love" you say jokingly and then you all head off to bed but brads arm gently wraps around your wrist

"Mind if I join you?" He asks And you shake your head and both climb into your hammock, romans face comes closer to yours and your lips meet together and he props himself up on his elbows while deepening the kiss

"I said no getting frisky up in bed!" Caitlyn says jokingly and you and ro pull apart laughing making you hide your head in his chest and he wraps his arm around you as you face the other way so he's spooning you and you both instantly fall asleep.

Kemp Mates | Roman Kemp im a celeb 2019Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora