Roman reads the letter and you have to sit in a bath and fill a tube with liquid from the bath and the first three win immunity.

You're in between Adele and Romans baths, the cold liquid starts to flow making you all squeal, Ian gags a lot and then the tubes open and you all start splashing

"Roman stop splashing me!" You squeal

"Sorry" he says sarcastically and then you all start splashing the water and adele isn't moving

"Adele you're bucket!" You scream and then chunks of blood and sick come down and then the lid opens so you all start splashing again trying to get the liquid in And the lid shuts so you all stop

"Y/n have some breakfast love" James says as he picks up a weird chunk thing maybe a gut who knows? Making you squeal and burst out laughing and the Roman throws one at you from the side

"That was some aim by the way!" You say

"That's what we all love about Y/n I threw a gut at her and she just bursts out laughing" James says

They all start telling adele to say those words

"Adele don't give into their peer pressure you've got this love" you say to her laughing and then they're trying to get you to say it But you don't and the bucket opens so you all start splashing and pouring the liquid in and then the lid closed.

James then gets confetti so he's done

"That's because he's got sausage fingers" you say making Roman burst out laughing and the confetti comes down on Myles and Ian meaning you, Adele and Roman are up for the public vote off.

You then hug Roman as soon as you get out of the bath and you place a gut down romans top making him squirm about and laugh and you do the same to James

"That's karma!" You say laughing and you then head back to camp

"There they are!" Kate shouts

"Been uncursed for a few hours and I'm back cursed again, bad things always happen to me" you say laughing

Everyone gives you all hugs and James then explains the trial while you sit down and Roman is asleep so you head over to his hammock and shake his shoulders gently

"Wake up dinner has arrived" you say and he jumps out of his hammock making you laugh and you are all exhausted from the trial

"Thank you so much guys" you say to Kate and Ian who cooked and you all reminisce about your time. Everyone shared their farewell speeches

"You look so slim Ian" Kate says

"Skinny legend" you say making him laugh

"It's not going to be the same without everyone it'll be sad" you say with a pout

"Y/n and Jacqueline are like the little sisters" James says making you all smile as he lists what everyone is like to him and Adele even gets emotional during her speech so you wrap your arms around her, after everyone has spoken you all clap.

"What will I miss about the jungle? Absolutely nothing," Caitlyn says making you all laugh "what I will miss is the people I've met in the jungle, I just want to thank you all for your friendship" Caitlyn says and you all clap

Ant and Dec arrive

"Morning" the day as normal and roman wraps his arm around you, James, Ian and Myles are immune and whoever had the lowest votes is leaving today which is heartbreaking

"Roman it's not you" ant says and you rub his shoulder comfortingly
"Andy it's not you
Caitlyn it's not you
Jacqueline it's not you
Kate it's not you
Y/n it might be you" ant says making Roman hug you

"No, no, no, no" he whispers into your ear

"Andrew it's not you
Cliff it's not you
So that means Adele it might be you" ant says

"The first person to leave I'm a celebrity 2019 is... Adele" ant says and Adele nods while Andy comfortingly rubs her arm up and down, you all give her a hug all feeling sad as it won't be the same without her. You all say goodbye and wave her off.

"I'm so glad you're not leaving" roman whispers in your ear making you smile

Word count- 1695 x

Kemp Mates | Roman Kemp im a celeb 2019Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora