Chapter 2 - deciding

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You pursed you lines biting back a rude retort, "you're too frail, you get sick easily, there's no way that's happening."


"No buts, there's no way I can let you do that." You huffed, turning away from facing your sister, knowing full well you couldn't deny her if she pulled one of those damned puppy faces on you. "Besides, what if you get sick while we're there, there's no doctors around to treat you, and it's a festival for goodness sake, you can barely even walk!"

You sister, Hanako frowned, giving a defeated sigh. "I know.. I just, i really wanted to see the festival." Your heart hurt with sympathy at your sisters words.

"Then once you get better, we'll go together." You decided, you sister drew hers legs up to her chest, resting her face on them.

"You and all the adults say that, but I'm not getting better am I?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard one of the doctors talking, apparently, at best, I'll last-"

"A couple months, I know.." you sighed, running your hands through your (h/c), the doctors had told you quite some while ago, but you simply didn't have the heart to tell your happy go lucky sister the news.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She questioned.

"..I just.." you paused, thinking of what to say.

"Well, don't worry, if I can't go, could you at least take me to watch it from afar!" She chirped with a smile, eyes shining. Afar? what did she mean by afar? Noticing you didn't seem to understand she elaborated, "you know, to watch it from a distance, it should be safe! And we can stay reasonably close to the doctors!"

You took in a deep breath, contemplating. "I- i don't know.." you sister frowned, tears threatening to appear, "but," you said, catching her attention as her expression turned hopeful, "I'll see what the doctors say." She groaned, flopping back on the bed, you giggled lightly, petting her on the head. "I'll be back tomorrow, I have another shift now." You spoke while glancing outside through the window, nodding to yourself in confirmation that it was indeed time for another shift of yours.

"Geez, how many jobs do you have?" Hanako questioned playfully.

"Enough for us to get by." You replied simply, shaking you head as you headed out the door. "See you tomorrow then."

"Bye!" You sister cheered. Heading out of the doctors you hummed to yourself, your next job was to simply look after a fruit stall, and sell the fruit, a more simple job to your likening compared to being a maid at the royal palace, despite it not paying as well as being a maid did, goodness, you hated the palace, too big and fancy a place for you, after all you enjoyed the more simple things in life. By the time you had made it down to the stall and taken over your shift, the streets of the Sindria market were bustling. Since you were one of many fruit stalls, you got a decent amount of customers yet not enough to overwhelm you, it a rather simple job and a good way to pass time.

As you were restocking some of the fruit, you could've swore you felt a piercing gaze follow your movements, shivers running down your spine as you stopped and quickly looked around, you couldn't see anybody staring at you, but you could feel it. A gut feeling somewhat, yes, but it was unnerving none the less, a pang of anxiety in your chest as you tried to shake it off.

You distracted yourself with the customers coming up, and eventually the feeling of dread left you, only to be replaced when a certain customer came up, dressed in a hooded cloak that was clearly a poor attempt to not be recognised, the clothes were that of a rich man, and that was enough to single him out. Purple hair stuck out from the veil covering the customers head despite the attempt to tuck it in, and- was that a gold ring?

Clearly a rich man if that's the case, why in the world would he be down in the marketplace? Ah well, at least it explained the disguise somewhat, not wanting to get pickpocketed was reasonable, wealthy or otherwise.

The customer picked up some fruit, tossing it into the air for a moment before gather more and placing it in front of you, "I'll take these, ma'am." A voice sung out, deep and dripping like honey. You nodded and bagged them, taking the payment as you felt the persons eyes rack over your figure, as must as it disgusted you it was something not uncommon, you had learned to ignore the looks. The customers eyes lingered for a moment before he turned a disappeared into the crowd.

You grimaced, this was exactly why you hated noblemen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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