"Amery." I looked behind me, looking innocent as I smiled towards father. "Can we talk?"

I nodded my head and took the hatchet with me. As soon as we headed to his favorite spot where he sits, I sat beside him and there was silence.

"..." If I only look at my situation today, I look half funny, half pitiful.

"...Amery, you know that you are borned frail. Judging from your pale skin and frail body." Father spoke, which I replied with a nod.

He looked at me and smiled. "I suppose you are getting yourself better, healthy and strong. But to be clear, it is impossible to chop a thick tree with a hatchet that small."

Oh shit, I knew it. That branches the tree had was really huge and thick, and I had no idea at first since I easily chopped it off. It was as if my bones or nerves didn't mind. Like it was just a soft bread to slice so why bother?

I chuckled nervously. "Well-um.."

"That just shows that you are not frail and weak anymore like you used to be." Father went on. "Tell me, is there anything bothering you?"

Blinking my eyes, I looked at him. "I just wanted to become stronger..to be able to join the demon slayer corps...and protect whom I want to protect."

His eyes widen a fraction, but soon returned to normal size and smiled at me. Patting my head, he replied. "Then I'll gladly support you."


It's been 2 days ever since father told me he'd support me with my plan.

And finally, I was able to remember their names.

Father's name is Tanjuro, mother's name is Kie, and my other future siblings would be Hanako, Shigeru and Rokuta.

The names almost made me have a headache. Even in my past life, I was never good in remembering names. And I am 100% sure that I'll mess up their names, especially to the boys.

I know who Hanako and Nezuko is already since they are the only daughters in the Kamado family tree-but now I'm included.

And about our ancestors, I am certain that the one who looked like Tanjiro is Sumiyoshi-a humble coal burner-and his wife, Suyako, and their child, Sumire.

And now I'm trying to remember the original Sun of the Breath user's name. All I know is that his name starts in Yori.

My life spent here is still the same. I have my routine of flexibility and stamina training a.k.a. literally flexing my bones until I get sore and do all chores no matter how exhausted I may be. Due to these tasks, I lost track of days, but I'm certain that it has been three to four days or so.

"Nee-chan, look!" I opened my eyes from exhaustion as I lay on the tatami floor. Glancing outside, there I saw Tanjiro holding a flower crown. "I made this for you!"

I sat up and smiled at him, exhaustion fading away from my body. "Arigato, Tanjiro." He went towards me and signaled me to bow down. I obliged and let him put his artwork on my head. When he was done, I lifted my head and he beamed a smile.

"You look beautiful, nee-chan!" He clasped his hands together, his eyes pure with determination. "Now I'm going to make one for Nezuko!"

I patted his head. "I'm sure she'll love it."

Tanjiro nodded and began finding for more flowers. I sat there staring at him as he looked so happy.

Atleast he have time to enjoy his life as a child today. Because soon, he will have the real work and responsibility of an elder brother.

Then something snapped in me. Does he still think the same way of doing things just because he is the elder brother, the eldest son, even if I'm the eldest daughter now?

I don't want to burden this innocent child but...that's how he pulled it off. It made him have a sense of responsibility and be well-disciplined.

Hearing the sound of footsteps slowly approaching me, I turned my head behind, only to see Nezuko who seems to be sneaking behind me, with Takeo behind her. Both blinked their eyes as they realized that I caught them in action.

"Ara, ara. Nezuko, Takeo, what are you two trying to-oof!"

"Onee-chan!" They both jumped into me to give me a hug. But the hug almost made me hit my head on the tatami floor due to their weight.

Gah! I really am weak and frail! "Ohayou!" Nezuko beamed as Takeo snuggled at me.

I gave them a pat on their head. "Actually, it's noon. But I guess that's fine." She then decided to pull away from the hug and helped me sit. Takeo still hugging me as he snuggled on me.

"Onee-chan, what do you want to become in the future?" Nezuko asked out of the blue.

"In the future?" I echoed, tapping my fingers on the tatami floor as I lifted my head to gaze at the blue sky. "I wanna be a normal human."

Nezuko blinked her eyes. "Normal human? Onee-chan aren't you-"

"No, no! I mean, yes, I'm normal!" I panicked as I saw her tilting her head on the side in confusion. Even Takeo looked at me due to my sudden panic outburst.

This made me wanna slap myself and pinch her cheeks in this cute action, but I held myself back. "What I mean is to become better when I grow up. To be healthier and stronger than I do today." I explained.

Her mouth formed an 'O' shape as she nodded in excitement. "I wanna be like that too, onee-chan!"

I restrained myself from pinching her cheeks and scream at the top of my lungs due to the presence of such a cute creature before me.

I patted her head with a smile. "That will surely happen." Lies. You'll be turned to a demon, but I can't let a cute girl like you turn into one. But I really have no other choice.

"Nezuko!" Tanjiro surprisingly appeared beside us which made me flinch, thankfully they didn't notice. "I have a flower crown for you!"

Her eyes sparkled as he placed the crown he made in her head. "Arigato, onii-chan!"

"Takeo, you're getting better in walking. That's good!" Tanjiro beamed. Takeo giggled as he hugged his brother.

Staring at the sight before me, I felt a sudden pang of guilt in my chest. Am I really letting their family-which is also my family-die by Muzan's hands? Am I going to let her turn into a demon and let Tanjiro suffer?

If I can manage to change my life here, then I would. Afterall, nothing will go wrong if I just try.


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