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Is it possible, that I'm so ugly, that I become invisible to everyone around me. Are guys seriously this uninterested in me?

These irrational thoughts collect in my head. As I watched the people of New York. Rush to their destination's. Huddles of people squeeze past each other, more than half are eager to see their significant other. I assume and wish that was me.

Is it bad that I crave this attention, I mean in high school I was always overlooked. Never spoke to any guy more than two weeks. Shit barely had a boyfriend. I haven't experienced the beautiful feeling of being loved by an other. However, I witnessed the nasty kiss of rejection and it seems to be the only action that I can get. That is why I purposely sat in front of the wide view window of this new cafe hoping to catch the eye of a random man. Who would be blinded by my beauty and have no choice but approach me.

Sipping on my poorly made Iced matcha, I scowl, will my days always be cursed. Swirling my drink I noticed that the lady forgot the vanilla pumps. Yet, as I drank the bitter drink I began to feel like God told that lady to make my matcha nasty. As if I deserved the bitter taste because I was bitterly ugly.

I turn my head to watch her make drinks for others, a wide smile graced her face. She must have felt me staring because we clearly made eye contact. Her smile was replaced with a frown and she immediately turned away.

God definitely told her to make this drink purely ass. Nevertheless I will finish this drink. I am poor and Matcha is always my late morning go to drink. Although it is bitter, the taste will have to grow on me.

I now felt uncomfortable and decided that I will leave the busy cafe, as I open the door I am met with the cold slap of New York's breeze. Completely waking me up. Walking down the strip I grab my phone from my back pocket and turn it on. My phone is always off in the mornings when i'm at a cafe so I am not disturbed, unless I want music or actually have the urge to text a friend, otherwise I'm practically MIA . Today, Im glad that I did. As my Iphone 7 turned on my phone started to spaze, this groupchat had three people in it including me. But they managed to catch the peoples attention around me as my loud ass ringer wouldn't let up. It was safe to say that my phone was far from dry.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." I mutter to everyone huddled next to me. Fumbling with the ringer switch as their glares pierced through my skull. Swiping my phone open to the groupchat. I see that my friends were making plans to come over to my place.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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