Part 5 the avengers are gonna love you

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A few days later I was all settled into peters apartment. I met aunt may. She really nice and she hugged me when we first met so I guess that's a good sign. I'm in there spare room its really nice looking well compared to my old one.

     Tony got me some clothes I didn't really have any because we left my bag in the ally and when I went to get it it was gone. And aunt may took me girly stuff shopping and that was fun but how uncultured I was in all this stuff was not.

Today is my first day back to school since all that has happened. I wake up at 7 instead of 4 which is really nice. Me and peter walked to school and once we get there everyone is staring at us.

     It might be because I'm talking and smiling with him or maybe its because I am dressed like a girl for once in a cute little sundress my hair is done.

    Either way I guess they should be starring because this is probably the weirdest thing to happen in a while at this school. We see Ned so we walk over to him and start talking.

"Um peter who is this?" Ned asks a bit confused

"Oh Ned, this is (y/n) I've told you about her before." Peter says awkwardly

"Oh this is (y/n), Hi (y/n) I'm Ned its nice to finally meet you."

" Hi Ned, its nice to meet you to."

"Um Ned, (y/n)  is living with me and aunt may now."peter says with a weird cheeky grin.

"wHAt wHy?"

" um (y/n) do you want to tell, you don't have to if you don't want to." Peter said feeling a bit of regret that Ned brought it up.

" no its ok, um well my dad died before I was born. He was a crackhead, he did drugs he drank all that type of stuff and my mom said that when he found out I was coming he had and overdose and died. So she blames me for his death and would always say I killed him and ruined her life. The other day I came home from school and she was really drunk. She was throwing stuff around the living room and when she saw me walk in the house she started to yell. She told me to leave and that I was pretty much just a burden so I went to my room and got my stuff. Well on my way out of the door she threw a wine glass at my back and I had shards of glass digging into my skin so I ran. My mom never really gave me anything so earlier that morning I went to the store and I well, I shoplifted a few things. I went back to the store to get some food after my mom kicked me out, but when I went to pay with the last of my money for the food they caught me and told me the cops were coming. So I ran. I went to an ally and hid because I heard the sirens. Once they passed I was gonna get comfortable and try the get the glass out of my back until, um peter does he know."

"ya he knows"

"Ok well until Spider-Man found me and was gonna turn me in, my hood was up and. He couldn't see my face so when I tried to run he punched me down-"

"PETER YOU PUNCHED A GIRL!" Ned squeals while hitting peters arm. Peter just looks down.

    "and then I started to cry, he removed my hood and realized I was a girl, apparently he recognized me from school, so he took me to Mr. Stark and I had to explain myself. Once I did my back started to really hurt and I fell out of my seat, there was blood everywhere and then I passed out. I woke up in a hospital bed and i put to and to together when I saw peter sitting next to me. So pretty much mr. Stark told me I had a choice of living with him or peter. So I chose peter but I wanted to be able to defend myself. So I have training with the avengers starting on Friday."

" holy crap I'm sorry, but training with the avengers that's awesome."

" ya it is pretty cool"

The bell rang for first period so we walked to our first period class which we had together. I went to sit down but it was different this time I didn't sit alone in the corner of the classroom were the whole world could just forget about me. I sat with. Friends.

Peter grabbed my hand and led me to his table we sat down. I assumed he would let go of my hand by now but he never did. And for some random reason I'm ok with it. We sat like that for the whole period. I think people noticed because they would stare and whisper with the people next to them. Honestly I didn't care because for once I was happy.

The bell rang so we went to passing period and it was all fine until flash showed up.

"Hey penis Parker is this your new girl, don't worry sweet cheeks is he bothering you, do you want me to save you from him, you know now that you don't look dead anymore maybe I would let you hang with me. Because we all no a pretty girl like you you shouldn't be hanging out with a piece of trash like Parker here." Flash says with a cold evil tone.

I lost it.

I socked him in the face. Peter stood there and smiled like an idiot. While everyone around us just screamed and laughed. I don't blame them. His annoying face bleeding while he sits on the floor dumbfounded by what just happened.

"The avengers are gonna love you." Peter said while laughing.

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