the end

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It was the twenty-fourth day of December.

God, it was a silent day.

God, it was an empty day.

Nobody spoke a word.

The little brave soldier with the big heart had sunk to the bottom, and drawn his last breath, in hopes that the one who had terrorized his short life would see his end.

It was hours later, and the Lord had still not seen his end. But Regulus had no need for revenge. He was no longer his, and that punishment was enough.

Regulus had conquered his demons, and replaced them with white wings and pink scars.

He kissed the world goodbye, and met her, on the top of the stairway to heaven.

And he realized, that sometimes, an angel is found in the dark.

✓ | THE TEARS OF AN ANGEL  ⎯⎯  regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now