"Yeah. It was fantastic." He added on.

"While you guys were gone... guess what." Graham excitedly spoke to Damon. Damon raised a curious eyebrow.

"What?" Damon crossed his arms, before leaning over to grab his box of cigarettes.

"We got such a fucking great opportunity. We got offered to be an opening number for Queen!" Graham shouted, protruding elation. Damon sat there, mouth agape, his cigarette dropping from his hand. Fortunately, if wasn't lit yet.

"I- WHAT?!" Damon's eyes rolled to the back of his head before he passed out, falling silent. The rest of us looked at each other.

"Shit. What do we do?" Alex asked. He hurridly got up, rushing to his close friend's side. He checked Damon's pulse before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Graham." I said sarcastically, a smirk on my face. Graham scoffed before rolling his eyes.

"How was I supposed to know he was gonna pass out?" I chuckled at his response.

I stood up to join Alex at his side. He glanced at me before shrugging his shoulders, clearly not knowing what to do. I sighed, going into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. I closed the fridge, making my way back over to Damon.

"Um, Y/n, what're you doing with that?" Alex glanced at me worriedly. I smirked in pure mischief, and took the cap off.

"You'll see." I tilted the bottle, causing the water to trickle out onto Damon's resting face. He immediately started to squirm.

I heard the others gasping, chuckling, and making other excited noises behind me as I continued to slowly pour the water onto Damon. Damon's eyes finally opened at he instantly looked at me with an evil expression.

"Are you serious?" He asked, wiping his face off with his shirt. I laughed, nodding my head.

"Yep." I giggled. Damon rolled his eyes before heading off into the kitchen. He came back out with paper towels to clean up the water that got on the couch.

"I'm gonna get you for that. You can count on that." Damon huffed.

I noticed how silent the others had fallen. Curious, I turned to look at the other three. They were all watching Damon and I.

"What?" I asked. They all shook their heads.

"Nothing, but that was quality." Alex commented, clearly poking fun at Damon. Damon growled.

"Shut it." He whined. He threw out his used paper towels, plopping himself on the couch afterwards.

"When's the gig?" I broke the silence.

"Next Friday." Graham stated. Damon choked on his spit, his eyes fluttering. I hopped up from my seat. So did the others.

"Please don't pass out again." Alex stated. We all chuckled, Damon still sitting there in shock. Out of all people, you wouldn't expect Damon to be nervous about this.

"That's a promise I can't make." Damon responded. We all sat back down, falling into silence once again. I was getting annoyed.

"We should play board games." I suggested, shrugging my shoulders. They all nodded. Alex smiled, getting up and walking over to the storage closet in the hallway. After hearing a bunch of shuffling, he came out with Monopoly.

"Monopoly anyone?" Alex smiled, walking over to the carpet in the center of the room, placing the box on it.

"Sure thing." I said, getting up and sitting next to Alex on the floor. Soon enough the other three filed over, and we all sat in a circle.

Charmless Man - Damon Albarn X Fem Reader X Alex JamesWhere stories live. Discover now