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Avery shivered as the cool night air hit her tear stained face she just witnessed someone jump off the plank and she was next or so she thought
" Wait take down to my cabinet " it was the shadows voice ,his named the shadow because nobody has ever seen his face
" No please"  Avery begged but no one payed attention to her pleases

The last thing heard from Avery hill was her blood chilling scream that night the ship never made it to the port and nobody every saw the Saint Maddie's or the crew some say after A ery was killed as persumed her gosht lingered on the ship and brought it bad luck

When the wreck was found on December 8 1886 Al 95 body's where found all but two the body of Avery hill and the shadow

When the wreck was found on December 8 1886 Al 95 body's where found all but two the body of Avery hill and the shadow

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Archer Stackhouse stood on the deck of saint Maddie with a thought full exspestion on his face his great grand father brought this ship nimty Sox years ago and yet he never tried to repair it nor did his father his mother always told him that if you go below deck to the last cabinet on your right you will see the ghost of a beautiful young lady that if you smile at her she will lead you onto the room a d you will never be seen again but Archie never believed in ghost nor will he ever  elive in them but he did  elive in makeing money and that's exactly what his going to do so he gather the biggest crew he could find and got to work and started to repair the old ship

Archer Stackhouse stood on the deck of saint Maddie with a thought full exspestion on his face his great grand father brought this ship nimty Sox years ago and yet he never tried to repair it nor did his father his mother always told him that if y...

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Archie stood before the macnifisent ship with his son beside him
"Forty two years I spent build this ship up to its per previous glory but I'm old my boy and can't do much now so I leave for he responsibility to you soon" Archie siad in a strand voice Al his son did was nod

February 1982
Gavin Stackhouse watched as his father was lowered into the ground ,he thought back the the promise he made his father yes he will keep the ship in good shape but only to use it as an attraction

Since that day forward many people come to Yorkshire to see the hunted piared ship called Sint Maddie's

  Hi guys so I hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote I'll try to post Tommorow if not then I the next day


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