she said shut up and dance

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that follwoing week crystal dint turn up to any more reheshels and the next time she stepped into the dance studo was only because one of the pros had came down with a nasty bug so she was ropped in to dance with jake only before it was their time to go on she saw the dynamic duo cha cha the one dance they had never danced together

at that secound he twirled her out of his arms this was when crystal watched kelly solo with egal eyes only from the way she was moving and the leaps she was doing it was impossiblt to know that kelly had broken her foot 

''that should be you up their'' crystal dint turn around when earl said that because she dint have an answer for him yes she had enjoyed dancing but she dint enjoying being flipped between two brothers

luckly the dance ended and crystal was able to put her personal feelings to one side and just get lost in the music with jake who had hips like a snake that came in handy during their samba 

the one dance that both brothers gave jake a hard stare next jake spun her upside down were she used her body to peform a cartwheel then went into a backflip finshing with a seqwence of aicabests

now for earl it was like taking a trip down memory lane as he had first fell in love with her while she was rehesting for their first show together only the sudden sound of gasping brought earl out of his own thought and he looked onto the stage his brother was flipping her threw the air by her ankles 

earl held his breath as the last time nathan did a headbanger was with holly and that had ended in a complet disaster yet within secounds crystal was back down and nathan was back to dancing comptemprty with kelly 

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