A mage and green lantern married?

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): yeah I guess you're right I mean we were gonna get married once we graduate metropolis high but isn't this moving too fast?

Jessica: That man said that our fates were intertwined with each other. So maybe he did this

(Y/N): maybe. *Sees a pregnancy test* uh what's that?

Jessica: It's a pregnancy test.

(Y/N): Tell me it's not what I think it is

Jessica looked at the pregnancy test and saw it was...positive.

Jessica: positive.

(Y/N): Of course it is. Well how are we gonna explain this to the others?

Jessica: maybe they'll understand and zee can explain what that guy used on us.

(Y/N): But everyone else is gonna freak out when they find out we're married and that your pregnant.

Jessica: woah honey calm down maybe they'll understand and we'll invite the girls and I can't believe I'm saying this the villains too.

(Y/N): you really wanna do this don't you?

Jessica: yes I really do.

(Y/N): but you do realize that you can't help the girls because your pregnant.

Jessica: it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, and to our child.

(Y/N): well alright we'll tell them but on a side note, is it a boy or a girl?

Jessica: I don't know yet.

(Y/N): Well I know we'll find out. Together. And we will raise our child together

Jessica: thanks, but do you think our child will have magic?

(Y/N): I don't know sometimes in my family it can skip a generation.

Jessica: Well I think you'll make a great dad.

(Y/N): and you would make a great mom.

Jessica: Thank you sweetie. But more importantly, where are we?

(Y/N): A hotel room.

Jessica: well that explains the fancy stuff here.

(Y/N): so we should probably get ready.

Jessica: Yeah the others might be worried and their probably looking for us.

(Y/N): Well let's not have them worry more.

Jessica: Ok honey.

We then see you and Jessica getting ready as you both were walking together holding hands as you as you saw the girls.

Diana: hello sister Jessica and (Y/N).

Babs: Where have you two been? We been looking everywhere for you.

Jessica: *blushes and looks the other way* we were...busy.

Karen: busy with what?

(Y/N): *blushes* with... stuff.

Kara: stuff? What kind of stuff?

Zee: Well we'll let that slide but you two seem a bit closer together.

Jessica: That's because we're both... Married.


Zee: oh congratulations! When did this happen?

(Y/N): I don't know. But can someone tell me what happened in the past few days. Because that guy me and Jessica chased blew this purple dust at our faces. And the next thing we knew we were married and know Jessica is pregnant.

green marriage. (Jessica Cruz x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now