A mage and green lantern married?

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At night we see you and the superhero girls as you were fighting a figure wearing a cloak as you did a lightning spell.

(Y/N): Fulminis!

You sent a lightning bolt at him as he then created a shield to block it.

(Y/N): of all the times fight crime why did it have to be on date night.

Jessica: I don't know. But as soon as we beat this guy the sooner we can go on our date.

Man: *chuckles* It's amazing that both of your destinies are intertwined with each other.

(Y/N): oh shut up. *Zaps him with lighting and knocks him out*

Babs: yay we got the bad guy.

But the man vanished as you saw him at a different direction.

(Y/N): How did you?

Man: An illusion spell. Though you will be able to learn soon.

Then he made a run for it as you and Jessica saw him.

(Y/N): He's getting away.

Then you and Jessica ran after him as you and Jess were on his trail.

(Y/N): Jessica can you cut off his path?

Jessica: On it.

She constructed a wall to block his path as you and Jessica had him cornered.

(Y/N): Nowhere to go now buddy.

Man: Impressive. You both have a great connection with each other.

(Y/N): am I supposed to be flattered?

Man: Though you both will be closer than you think.

Jessica: What?

Then the man blew a purple dust at you and Jessica making you both cough from it.

(Y/N): What is this?

Man: Fate brought you both together and you will be closer than before.

You couldn't see him as the dust got on your eyes but felt weird as you looked at Jessica and then things blacked out. Then you woke up when sunlight was in your eyes as you blocked it.

(Y/N): Man, what happened?

You placed your hand on your head as you felt something metal as you looked to see a gold wedding ring on your finger.

(Y/N): and where did this ring come from? *Sees Jessica* Jess wake up.

Then you noticed her hand had the same ring you had along with a ring with a gem on it.

(Y/N): hey jess what's with the matching ring?

Then Jessica woke up as she saw you.

Jessica: What happened?

(Y/N): I have no idea but have you noticed we have matching rings?

Jessica: Matching rings?

(Y/N): Look at your hand.

She looked at her hand and saw the ring she had along with the other.

Jessica: Wait these are... Wedding rings.

(Y/N): since when are we married? We're still in highschool.

Jessica: but how did this even happened?

(Y/N): That dust the guy blew at us. Oh when I get my hands on him I'm gonna-

Jessica: woah easy honey. maybe this isn't such a bad thing.

green marriage. (Jessica Cruz x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now