So... No Homo Then?

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Dean's last couple classes seemed to go by at an excruciatingly slow pace. He had spent the whole of two hours watching the clock, waiting desperately for the bell to ring. He wasn't sure why, but he was excited to see Castiel. More excited than he'd been in a long time. When the bell finally did ring (after what felt like a lifetime) Dean nearly ran to his locker to grab his jacket and then to the entrance to the school to meet Cas.

While he was waiting, Sam walked up to him smirking.

"What?" Dean asked, looking at his younger brother suspiciously. Sam was nearly Dean's height now. He had grown quite a bit since the year before. Dean, being a little over 6 foot, wasn't the shortest man alive. Sam had been quite a bit shorter than him for a long time but now it was clear that he would easily be much taller than Dean within the near future.

"Your boyfriend is waiting for you." Sam nodded towards the door. Dean had been standing right inside the doors, not wanting to catch hypothermia by standing outside. He followed Sam's gaze and saw Castiel sitting cross-legged on the half-wall in front of the school with his sketchbook propped on his legs and a pencil quickly running across the page. His breath came out in puffs of visible smoke, though he didn't look to be shivering at all.

"Boyfriend?" Dean asked, not looking back at Sam.

"Boyfriend. Come on, don't tell me that you don't think you guys would be cute together. And, he's got the hots for you." Sam nudged Dean and pushed out the doors, pausing and looking back at Dean for a minute. "I'll wait for you in the car. Can I have the keys?"

"Yeah." Dean said, taking his car keys from his coat pocket and giving them to Sam. "Warm her up."

"That was the plan." Sam said and ran out the school doors and to the parking lot.

Dean sighed and stepped out into the cold, mid-November air. It was unreasonably cold this year. As he approached Castiel, he noticed that the smoke he was breathing wasn't, in fact, from his breath, but it was from the cigarette he was smoking.

Oh, Dean thought, I should have guessed. Though he wasn't one to stereotype, Cas did seem kind of like the type who smoked.

"Hey." Dean said, sitting on the wall next to Cas, who looked up at him and grinned past the cigarette in his mouth.

"Hey there hot shot. How was class?" Castiel said, taking the cigarette from his mouth and putting it out on the wall next to him.

"You smoke on school property?" Dean asked, nodding towards the remnants of a cigarette Cas was throwing into the frosty grass behind them.

"Why not?"

Dean laughed, "good point."

"Fuck the police." Cas grinned and took a couple pieces of paper that were tucked into the back of his sketch book and handed them to Dean. "I promised you these."

Dean took the papers, and sure enough, they were the same drawings as the ones tattooed on Cas' arm. Though they were a little better on paper, but Dean didn't want to say anything. They were incredible either way, though Cas was a bit better at shading than his friend who tattooed them was. "Awesome." Dean smiled.

"You like?"

"Yeah, they're great." Dean looked at them both for a while, switching back and forth between them as Cas put his sketchbook into his backpack and jumped off the wall.

"There are plenty more where those came from. Now come on, it's freezing and Sam said you'd give me a ride home. Normally I either take the bus or ride this-" he indicated his longboard, which was on his backpack, "but I missed the bus and it's 13 fucking degrees out."

Dean laughed, "Yeah, I'll give you a ride. It would've been great if Sam texted me or something. Not that I really mind, but..."

"Yeah I get it. It's like inviting myself to your house or something. Weird, unless we're like best friends or something." Cas winked at Dean. "So I don't mean to be blunt or anything, but Sam told me you've never had a date?"

Dean stopped mid step and looked wide eyed at Castiel, who had walked a couple steps ahead before realizing that Dean had stopped. His shoulders were hunched up by his ears and his hands were stuffed as far as they could go into his hoodie pockets in an effort to avoid the cold as much as one could with only a light hoodie, but otherwise he looked completely unfazed, which was more than one could say about Dean.

"I- What- I..." Dean stuttered, looking for something to defend himself with. "I.. uh... There's no one that I-" Dean shook his head in an attempt to find a better excuse.

"Relax." Cas gave Dean a reassuring smile and nudged him with his shoulder. "I have one more creepy question though. Prepare yourself." Dean let out a frustrated sigh, awaiting Cas' dreaded question. "are you gay?"

Dean nearly choked. "I- what?"

"You know. Homosexual? Do you like the penis rather than the vagina?" Cas smirked at Dean.

Dean, slightly regaining his cool (what little cool he had) glared at Cas with a type of toxic edge that he normally only gave his dad when he was beating on him or Sammy. "You're acting like a fucking jackass!" Dean yelled, "You can't just ask people if they're gay, Castiel! Do you realize how much of a douche bag that makes you look like!?" Dean knew he was making a scene, but he didn't care. Cas had no right...

"Woah, I'm sorry man." Cas' expression softened and he held his hands up in defense, "You're totally right, and I'm in the wrong here. I shouldn't have said anything. I just wanted to say that if you were, hit me up."

This only heightened Dean's anger, "You can fucking walk home, you arrogant prick." Dean pushed past Cas and slid into the his car; a 1967 Chevy Impala that his mom had put in her will for him. He inherited it a few months ago when he turned 18. Heat hit his face in a wave as he opened the door, which he was grateful for. After slamming the door shut behind him, he sped out away from the school as fast as he could without getting a ticket.



He didn't mean any harm. It was only a couple harmless questions, right? Right?

Cas stood in front of the school watching Dean's car disappear as it turned a corner. He'd never seen anyone look like at someone the way Dean looked at Cas when he asked Dean the question. It was horrifying, and Cas didn't scare easy. If looks could kill, Cas would be dead six times over.

Shivering, he took out his phone and dialed his older brother, Gabriel's, number in hopes he would be able to bring him home. Luckily, he answered on the third ring. "What, Cas? I'm at work."

"Hey, big bro. Nice to hear your voice again!" Cas said sarcastically. "Look, I need a ride home. I missed the bus and my ride got pissed at me."

Gabe laughed, "Wow, what'd you do this time?"

"Asked a what seemed like a harmless question, but wasn't." I frowned, looking at the grounded and kicking a rock that was by my feet.

"What was it?" Gabe asked, sounding amused.

Cas sighed, "something stupid."

"Tell me, damnit!"

"I asked him if he were gay."

"Castiel Novak!" Gabe yelled, not sounding so amused anymore. "You can't just ask people if they're gay!"

"Well I know that now!" Cas really wanted to jump off a cliff at this point.

There was a shuffling noise over the phone before Gabe said anything. "Listen, I'm off in like three minutes. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Miss you, little bro."

"Yeah, likewise. See ya." Cas hung up and mumbled to himself, staring at the phone, "I'm such a fucking dick."


Sorry it's so short guys. but I wanted to update before I went to my dads house for the week. I hope you like it though (the tension is real) love you guysss

PS: that picture is supposed to be Cas' tattoo. Only he is a much better artist than I am, so don't judge me too harshly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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