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I swallowed nervously and noticed with dismay that it was more difficult than usual. I stood up, excused myself, grabbed my bag, and rushed to the bathroom.

I locked myself in a stall, my hands beginning to shake uncontrollably. I was growing dizzier and could hardly stand. I dug my medicine case out of my bag, nearly dropping it. I unzipped it, my vision beginning to grow dark. I panted for breath, unused to the feeling of air rushing through my lungs.

Fear shot through me as I heard the door open while I fumbled with the little bottles. I couldn't do this. I couldn't get them open.

"Anderson?" I heard Hayden ask. "Are you okay?"

"H-help," I rasped, unlocking the stall door. I leaned against the wall as he hurried over to me. I pushed the case into his hands.

"T-two bottles," I whispered hoarsely. "C-can't op-pen them,"

Hayden popped the cap off of one as my vision grew darker. "What do you want me to do with it?"

"G-give," I ordered, sliding down to sit on the floor, too dizzy to stand. "T-take like s-shot."

Hayden shook his head. "Your hands are shaking too much, you'll spill it on yourself."

"H-hold m-me s-steady."

I curled my fingers around the tiny bottle, feeling Hayden's around mine, then tossed the syrupy liquid back, feeling it slide down my throat, soothing the burn that felt like flames.

"O-other one,"

We did the same thing, and sighed as the bottles were emptied. I continued forcing air into my lungs, unused to the need, as my vision continued to blacken.

"I-if I pass o-out, g-give me the th-third." I ordered Hayden. He nodded fearfully, his eyes wide, as he supported me.

A harsh wave of cold flew through me and I began to shiver uncontrollably. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall, gasping for air.

"D-do you want the third one?" Hayden stammered. "Y-your face is really red and you're getting really hot."

"N-no," I forced out. "B-be fine. T-tell if eyes change color."

"Your eyes?"

"Ss... Turn b-blue..." I coughed harshly, my body forcing itself upward. I pressed my fists to my mouth as I struggled to breathe amid the harsh coughing.

I collapsed weakly against the wall again when I finally managed to stop coughing, my mouth hanging open as I panted for air.

My vision kept getting darker, I could hardly see, and I was growing weaker panic flashed through me. I was supposed to be getting better by now.

"H-how long has it-t been?" I asked, closing my eyes again.

"Only about three minutes," Hayden replied. I quickly calculated how long it had been since I'd taken the first bite to find out how long it should take for the medicine to kick in.

"G-give the third if not b-better in s-sev-ven m-minutes."

"Okay," Hayden sounded calmer now that I'd given him better directions than "if I pass out." I heard a high pitched beeping, and slitted my eyes open to see him setting an alarm on his watch.

My breathing slowly eased through those seven minutes, and I found it somewhat easier to breathe by the time the watch beeped. I forced my eyes open and weakly turned my head.

"In my bag, red Capri Sun looking pouch. Not blue. Give me one please."

Hayden reached up and pulled my backpack off the hook I'd managed to hang it on and dug through it, quickly finding the pouches. He pulled one out and set my bag to the side, handing me the pouch. My hands still shaking, I struggled to stab the straw into the pouch. Hayden took it from me and put the straw in, then gave it back.

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