More then expected

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Uzuis Pov:
What a lovely place. Not much of his taste, but quite alright .the trend setter seemed reserved looking up towards the menu placed in between his slim fingers.If it was for his taste he wouldn't choose anything out of these dishes , though he didn't want to disappoint rengoku , how about the sushi set actually ? Not too bad . The male returned to his smooth expression facing the waitress who arrived to take in their order .

"I'll take the sushi set tall and some beer please "

Drinking occasionally was fun especially with such an intriguing personality like kyoujurou . The excitement while seeing him order was amusing yet made him awe in thoughts with his expression changing into an even more satisfied look .


Uzui noticed how the smaller male closed the menu in a rush placing it in the waitresses hands


Wow , how bold . Uzuis smirk formed into a soft laugh , not a mean one though . He just genuinely enjoyed the others acquaintance , someone as bold as him was probably good with people . For sure he had a lot of friends , probably no enemies either. It didn't matter though , because to him he was the most interesting person he has meet up with in a while . No, he'd actually be lying if he wouldn't say the most unusual personality in his life . That's why he enjoyed being with him a lot . He was cute besides being a dude , the perfect exception for the womanizer to like on . Them being together would be a future goal to him , the prey he was hunting for in this very moment .

The waitress left, still being a bit perplexed by the boys  hyperactivity, well not the first time she had been dealing with that , but then it were children in most cases . Uzui now saw rengoku nervously avoiding eye contact , how sad , but not a hurd for him . He started to lean onto the table being very close to his face and blowing a little onto his hair which now remained behind his shoulder . He was brightly red . Wow , was he that fastly intrigued by another guy . Well maybe he seemed a little too close after all ? He leaned back onto again sighing a little to himself .

"This wasn't as easy as you thought it would be uzui ,but you'll handle . Don't make him feel weird , he should be comfortable around you if you want to have him as something more then a friend "

That were the things he was telling himself being quite right with it. After all it was their first time meeting up after Rengokus foot incident some weeks ago .

Rengokus Pov:

What else could you expect other then rengoku not knowing what to do . He was just so overwhelmed by uzui being that close , he wasn't an unpopular fellah, but always had been refusing on love letters not fully understanding what romance was all about . And now without not even looking at uzui he knew that he was a dude , even more confusing to him honestly . He felt his heart beating in such a fast pace that it scared him. Simply he couldn't explain those feelings . When the other leaned in he was happy yet a nervous wreck . It was almost like he got sad when he didn't seem to stay , but on the other hand he felt less nervous. His tummy had a weird ache which just wouldn't leave him no matter how hard he tried .

Minutes passed as their food and drinks finally arrived . Rengoku took his chopsticks starting to feast on the food mumbling the word " tasty " in between here and there . This was the food which made him weak . No matter how his favorite bits were prepared . He'd always enjoy them in happiness . Eating always got him towards other thoughts even if the other here and there snickered about his cuteness, he didn't mind it though . The man finished his plate quite soon knowing very damn well that he was still hungry . What could he say , he was a big eater , but now he had to just deny that for a second and eat more at home . As he wanted to stand up after them paying the other stopped him by his shoulders .

"Are you escaping ? That's kinda sad , since I was planning on going into the gaming halls, how about it ?"

He felt like this was a date and he didn't understand himself , but on the other hand a spark of joy showed inside his eyes . He loved the gaming hall around here , it even had a sumo wrestling game and he was a total geek for that sport so he wouldn't miss the chance for anything .

" AH OF COURSE .Lets go then ! "

He said happily now again jumping up with a lot of energy and happiness . He felt less tensed now . It would be fine they would be fine . Right ? And rengoku for sure didn't like men . He knew that for sure too , but his heart still skipped a beat in happiness so thinking that felt like denying a part inside himself .

Uzui Pov :
The two good looking men entered the hall looking around . This seemed like a lot of fun and the older one already saw rengoku hurrying to a specific game . Sumo wrestling? Wow he had an incredibly interesting tastes in games . Uzui enjoyed his time here and there, but wouldn't have admitted that to his fancy classmates .going to a place like this specifically felt right to him with rengoku. Probably going shopping would have led the other to excuse himself about it . If he already felt bad for being invited into a cheap restaurant he'd always be upset for receiving clothing . He was the complete opposite of a person of what he had been dating before , maybe that's why he excited him every moment he spent alongside him , but he for sure was attracted to him as well .

"Uzui San ! You want to play around ? This one is amazing , I swear you'll love it !"

The white haired watched the Blondie set in a coin going towards the other side of the machine .

"It's basically like those soocer tables , just that it is sumo wrestling , you'll love it !"

Uzui smirked as he got into position as well .

"Alright then I'll show you what someone like me can do !"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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