Letter from Her

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Has it ever happened to you that you misjudged a person at first glance? 

They do something which seems weird to you although they might have a very good reason of doing that. Maybe they avoid you because of some reason but you just go on pestering them to get their attention.

Just like sometimes when my brother annoys me, I ignore him for so long that he gets anxious and desperate. He then does anything to get my attention, no matter how uncomfortable I might feel. 

Well such things happen in the world all the time. 

Then there is another thing you might just want to think about before reading this. Many people believe that there are only one kind of people in this world. For example in a classroom if there are extroverts then there are introverts too.  But some don't understand this and simply go thinking that there are only extroverts so they are going to behave the same like everybody. 

Like there is a queen bee and every bee follows her. 

But the real world is not like that. Just 'cause everyone likes Chocolate does not mean that I like it too. I might have my own preferences (I like chocolate by the way, that was just a little example).

So before the story, I gave you just a faint idea of some things which everyone should think about.

Besides that it is an Amourshipping novelette. I leave it up to you to vote and comment on it.


Letters escaped the locker as if they were water being held by a dam and the dam just burst. 

Ash Ketchum smirked slyly and looked over at Gary Oak, his childhood frenemy-turned-best friend. 

"And this is how Ash Ketchum is the most loved guy at school- again," he announced as if being the commentator of a show that starred him.

Him and him only.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Gary mumbled and picked his pile of letters that lay on the ground.

Valentine's month was always the most eventful month of the year. It was the month when every boy and girl looked forward to the letters that they were going to get. Most of them wouldn't really be interested in the contents but the number of them they would get. It marked their popularity. 

For Ash and Gary, it was a way of seeing who was more popular. They opened their lockers every day after school was over. The pile showed who got more. This time, Ash won. Again.

"You sure sound disappointed," Ash laughed a bit and then made puppy dog eyes. "Gare-bear," he mimicked a high pitched voice like that of a girl and in return got a push from the mahogany haired boy.

"Well I am not sure about myself but let's hope that this year you won't be disappointed," Gary remarked, annoyed by being a subject of mockery. 

Ash's face fell a bit and he nodded. "Yeah."

Ash Ketchum was the heart-throb of the school. Every girl absolutely just loved him. He was the captain of the school's basketball team and not so bad at studies. Girls fell head over heels for this boy as he walked past them in the hallway. His charm reached every girl's heart. Except one.

Serena Yvonne.

Serena Yvonne shared almost all classes with Ash. Unlike Ash, she didn't need to try to be in the spotlight. She just was. She had shoulder length honey-blonde hair with a pair of clear, glistening cerulean blue eyes. Her attire was very simple if one compared it with the other girls. She was not very athletic. She just liked dancing as a hobby and was very shy about it. But she was a genius at studies. Had it not been for her good looks, she would have definitely had to share her lunch table with the nerd group of the school. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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