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Getting caught by an electrical storm in the middle of an open area is similar to being cornered by laser-armed Alpha Centauriandroids in a small room. Alex can see the thick storm cloud approaching South over the mesa, sending violet-white surges of current in raging torrents.

He had to find a shelter.

            He looked around. The closest he can get for a cover is a boulder half as tall as him. He knew that it will not work.

            He unhitched his gun and then fired a missile on a hard patch on the ground. When the smoke and dust settled, he saw that his shot made an impressive cavern-like hole on the ground; a short diagonal tunnel cut short with a cul-de-sac. Alex crawled in, not minding the possibility of a cave in. After a minute or so, a deafening rumble roared all around the ground above him. It took fourEarth hours before the storm subsided.

            Exhausted, Alex Skinner managed to sleep through the impossible noise of the electrical storm.


When Alex came out, about a dozen creatures turned to look at him. Though they appeared to be looking at him, Alex noticed that they have no eyes. They are about five times larger than him, with blue exoskeletons that shone under the light. They have gaping mouths lined with teeth-like fixtures. Their heads and jaws extended towards the back of their heads in seemingly hollow protrusions. Aside from their heads, they have nothing else. It seemed to Alex as if they are merely the floating heads of some large organisms.

            They really are floating,Alex thought. He can’t believe that he was actually looking at solidevidence that cell-based beings can levitate.

            Without warning, one of the creatures rushed towards him, mouth open. Alex’s impression is that they are predatory in nature, but there was no time for him to assume otherwise.

            Alex fired his plasma gun, easily taking down the attacker. He guessed that the others will be warded off by the sight of his weapon, but then, he realized that they have no eyes. The remaining creatures, their great maws at ready, advanced towards him, but Alex’s plasma cut them short.

In less than five minutes, Alex has eliminated all of them.

            Alex felt a pang of guilt at the sight of their remains. He knew that they’re just being instinctive by attacking an intruder like him.

            He shouldered his gun and trudged on.