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Ok quick question why the fuck do ppl like this
Well uh anyway

Headcanon that the twins + Fuel made a fort when they were younger- but they had a couple of attempts

First Attempt

• it was shit


• They made it in the sunshine forest

• They didnt have any lumber or anything to properly make something, so they just gathered a shit ton of small trees they tore from the ground { rip baby trees } along with some big ol sticks and lined them up around a tree or something.

• it was a rlly tight space, only one could fit, maybe two if you really tried

• It ended up falling on Lucas


• and he ended up kicking out one of the branches that were heavily supporting most of the 'fort'

• He cried a lot but he wasn't too hurt ( he just bonked his head )

Second Attempt

• This was about a week later


• He didnt wanna bonk his head again :(

• So Claus n Fuel sent him off to go hang out with Richie n Nicole or smth

• Their second attempt was even worse

• They couldn't line the branches up properly

• Claus got rlly mad and kicked one of the bigger branches rlly hard

• he broke his foot lol

Third Attempt

• This was one year later

• They decided to make it in this little clearing with a tree that was kinda slanted ( so they could climb it )

• This one was actually kinda decent!! For their standards at least

• They used the tree to support some branches.

• But some they buried into the ground.

• It was kinda like just a square of thin sticks stuck in the ground, no roof and a measly entrance [ there was no door, just an open area ]

• They were actually pretty proud of themselves tho

• They also had moss beds to kinda act like cushions lmao

• They went there a lot

• Then yet another accident happened.

• Claus and Fuel were sword-fighting with sticks and Claus got a little rough and shoved Fuel against the stick wall- which Fuel broke through bc a couple of measly sticks aint gonna support this absolute unit.

Fourth Attempt

• Lighter and Flint got tired of accidents happening to their kids so they just made them a fuckin treehouse lmao

• It was actually cool, they had a ladder and other shit, actual d o o r s and actual walls

• They had some chairs n shit in there

• It was kinda like their little base tbh

• They would always go there whenever they all had free time

• They'd dick around n shit, just normal boyish tings like sword-fighting and bug-finding.

• just boys bein boys B)

• then it burnt down in the fire lmao

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