11: Hermione's Birthday

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Y/N shifted in his seat slightly. "What about it?"

"When Flint tried to stop you," she carried on, a little uncertainly, "you - did that thing where you flipped him over your shoulder. How did you do that? Flint is a sixth year, much heavier than you, and you lifted him with ease."

Hermione looked somewhat impressed as she said this. Y/N pondered over his answer before speaking.

"Do you remember when I broke my tooth? And met your mum?"


"Well, I didn't just break it from some dumb accident. I broke it martial arts class."

Hermione looked flabbergasted. "Martial arts? You've been learining martial arts?"

"Yeah, just basic self defense, and some stick fighting. Nothing too crazy."

Hermione was stunned and pestered him about how the classes were like. He went into detail for the next hour about the classes, what he had learned, and how he had improved the physical limits to his body. He even told her about the day he and Ellie had been jumped, and the countless times it had happened before that.

While they spoke about this topic, Y/N realised something important. September 19th was arriving soon, a very special day, Hermione's birthday.

Usually in Hogwarts it wasn't uncommon for the students to celebrate each others birthdays, the four of them had done so for Ron the previous year, but he had been the only one, as Y/N and Harry had their birthdays during the holidays and Hermione had never mentioned her birthday to them when they first met her, and because her birthday was very early in the Hogwarts year, it had already passed and Hermione had turned twelve before Y/N could even acknowledge it.

Y/N always felt guilty about that. The fact that the previous year he had not even mentioned her Twelfth Birthday but she had bought him a present on his. Hermione never had any friends before Hogwarts and her birthdays had always been celebrated by her family and her family only. So when he finally did find out her date of birth he had vowed that her thirteenth birthday would be the most special day of her life, celebrated with her first friends.

"Y/N, Y/N? Are you listening?"

Y/N suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and was brought back into reality by the bushy-haired soon-to-be birthday girl herself.

"Sorry, I dozed off for a second."

Before Hermione could start speaking again, the portrait hole opened and a very panicked-looking Harry emerged. Had it been four hours already?

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked.

In a hushed whisper Harry told them that he had heard a strange voice when he had been doing detention with Lockhart, a creepy sounding voice whispering through the walls saying, "Come... come to me... let me rip you... let me tear you... let me kill you..."

"Didn't either of you hear it?" Harry asked worriedly.

They shook their heads. Apparently Lockhart hadn't heard it either.

"Are you sure you didn't imagine it?" Y/N asked. "Its late, almost midnight, and I wouldn't blame you if you were tired from answering Lockhart's fan mail."

"I definitely didn't imagine it." Harry assured them.

After an uncomfortable silence, Hermione suggested the go to bed, Ron hadn't returned yet, but he should be coming back soon.

Hermione said goodnight to the two of them and made her way to the girls dormitories, and Y/N and Harry retreated to the boys dormitories. Half an hour later, Ron arrived, nursing his right arm.

"My muscles have all seized up." he groaned, sinking onto his bed. "Fourteen times he made me buff up that Quidditch Cup before he was satisfied. And then I had another slug attack all over a Special Award Services to the School. Took ages to shift the slime... How was it with Lockhart?" he asked Harry.

Keeping his voice low so as not to wake Neville, Dean and Seamus, Harry told Ron what he had told Y/N and Hermione.

"And Lockhart said he couldn't hear it?" said Ron, frowning in the moonlight. "D'you think he was lying? But I don't get it - even someone invisible would've had to open the door."

"I know." said Harry, lying back onto his four-poster bed. "I don't get it either."

"Don't worry about it Harry." said Y/N stifling a yawn. "It was probably nothing."

* * *

In absolutely no time at all, September 19th had arrived. Hermione had spent a fairly normal day after her lessons with her best friends, and was currently walking with Y/N back to the Gryffindor common room.

She had woken up that morning a little disappointed that no one seemed to remember her birthday, and she couldn't help but feel a little hurt that not even Y/N had remembered, but she didn't entirely blame them, as she never actually recalled telling them her date of birth, she may have told Y/N one time but he must have forgotten.

She had found a small pile of presents from her parents and grandparents that morning, but nothing from her friends.

She must have been doing a good job of acting completely normal, because her three friends were completely oblivious to the fact that she was a little upset about something, and Y/N always knew when something was upsetting her, no matter how well she hid it.

When the two of them had almost reached Gryffindor Tower, to Hermione's surprise, Y/N suddenly seized her arm and dragged her down the corridor, ignoring her yelps of surprise and protest.

He marched right up to an unused classroom and barged through the door, pulling Hermione in with him. What Hermione saw shocked her.

"SURPRISE!" called out a few dozen voices.

Her eyes went wide as she processed all of the Gryffindor second years, a few first years including Ginny Weasley and Colin Creevey, and of course, the two fouth year twins Fred and George, and a few other Gryffindors. She noticed a cake sitting on a table in the front of the room with thirteen candles sitting on it, Harry and Ron standing in either side of the cake. She felt her eyes water slightly, but held back her tears.

"Thank you everyone!" she managed to gasp, smiling in happiness. She looked Y/N directly in the eyes, knowing that he could have been the only one responsible for this as he was the only one who knew her birthday.

The party passed by in a blur, she blew out her candles and everyone ate some cake. She opened her presents, most of them were small pieces of candy from everyone who had come to the party, but she of course had much bigger presents from Harry, Ron and Y/N. Harry had gotten her a new Quill set, Ron had given her a new telescope and Y/N had given her an edition of Hogwarts: A History.

When she had opened Y/N's present she was slightly confused, as he knew that she already had a copy of the book, but Y/N gave her a grin as he explained the presents true value.

"Its a very special copy." he said. "It magically updates itself every month on important Hogwarts history. Look."

He flipped through the book, and showed her a page that read, 'On the 1st of September 1991, Harry James Potter began attending Hogwarts for the first time since his parents death.' he flipped to another page, which read, 'On the 25th of June 1992, Gryffindor won the House Cup thanks to the last minute points awarded to Mr Ronald Weasley, Miss Hermione Granger, Mr Y/N L/N and Mr Harry Potter.'

Hermione squealed when she saw that her name was in this edition of Hogwarts: A History.

When the party ended, and the four friends returned to common room Hermione gave Y/N a hug for throwing her a party.

"Thank you so much. I was worried you had forgotten."

Y/N shook his head. "I'd never forget such an important day."

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