"Hey Captain Hook, you wanna deal with your kid?"

Bucky was already sprinting towards where Steve had just collapsed again, and he didn't have time to address Tony's chosen nickname for him with anything other than a roll of his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm on It." He turned and shot the bot that was chasing him without even faltering in his pace. "Just get this mess cleaned up, I'll get that mess out of here, and we meet back on the Quin Jet."

"Hey, radio if it's bad and you need Bruce right away," Natasha put in.


Another one of the mechanical nuisances was dropping from the sky with its gun leveled at him, so he turned and took care of it as well before it could finalize its shot. He reached his fallen friend and took quick stalk of the situation. The jet was too far for him to practically carry Steve the whole way... he was enhanced but his friend was a solid mass of muscle... and he doubted Steve would be out for long. As long as he took it easy and didn't do anything stupid... as hard as that would be for him... he'd probably be able to walk for a while. He spotted the open door to a nearby sandwich shop, forgotten in the frantic evacuation of the city, and his mind was made up.

He turned in a circle to do a quick sweep of the area with his gun, but it seemed like the bots had decided they had more important things to worry about than him. Steve had fallen face-first onto the ground, so Bucky snatched his shield from his limp hand and set it in place on his back. Then, he knelt beside his unconscious companion, taking hold of his arms and heaving them up over his shoulder.

"Little punk," he muttered, shoving his shoulder under Steve's chest as he got his feet under him.

He gasped sharply as he staggered to an upright position, struggling to stay balanced under the dead weight of his friend. He tripped one step in the direction of the sandwich shop, then another.

A blast hit the ground in front of him, and he swore sharply, reeling back and then having to correct himself forward to avoid falling over. Grappling for his gun with one hand and desperately holding Steve on his shoulder with the other arm, he looked around frantically for the origin of the shot.

His eyes found the bot just as it shot again, and he dove forward, hitting the ground beside Steve. The shot hit something behind him, and a yell of pain was torn from him as he felt hot metal tear into his leg.

Swearing violently, Bucky raised his gun and leveled it in the direction of his foe, keeping low as he scrambled back to block his friend from the line of fire.

He pulled down on the trigger hard, and a stream of gunfire ended in a small explosion from the center of the android.

"Bucky, do you copy?" Clint's voice carried over the radio. "Are you okay?"

"Copy," he gasped as he felt hot blood beginning to pour down his leg. "I'm fine. Situation taken care of."

"You sound about as fine as the old man did," Tony groaned. "What happened? You get shot?"

"I said the situation is taken care of," Bucky replied stubbornly as he set down his gun and look down at the blood mess that was currently his leg. "Keep your eyes on the battle we're fine down here."

"If you want eyes on the battle, you tell us what's going on," Nat ordered. "Cuz if you don't, I'm coming over there to see for myself."

All Day (Marvel Whump Madness 2019)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora