Alec's POV

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Carlisle    Alec

She was screaming and we couldn’t wake her, so I decided to call Carlisle. “Hello?” “Carlisle somethings wrong with (Y/N).” “Is she asleep?” “Yes, what is wrong?” “She is having a night terror you need to calmly say that she is not with her father anymore that no one can harm her” “Okay” Call over.

I rushed to her side “(Y/N) it’s Alec can you hear me. Your father is dead he can’t hurt you anymore.” As I was talking she calmed down, by the time I finished talking to her she was peacefully asleep again. “What was happening?” Felix asked worried for our precious princess. “I called Carlisle he said it was a night terror, and said that I had to say that her father was dead and couldn’t harm her anymore.” “Call him again.” Jane said “Okay”

“Hello, Alec” “Yes Carlisle can you tell us what her night terrors are about and why she has them. Also why we were not informed of them.” “(Y/N) has night terrors about her father. Before we adopted her she lived with him and he did not love her as a father should. He would hit her, and most of the time she was on the brink of death. He drank heavily, and one night he was drunk while driving and crashed. She was put into foster care, and a few months later she was with us. And you were not informed because she hasn’t had them since she was thirteen and she is now sixteen so we meaning (Y/N) and I did not think it important. Also, she most likely won’t remember having the night terror so if not, don’t mention it. It will only upset her.”

“Alright, we understand thank you for your help. Goodbye.” “Goodbye,” two minutes after the call was over she woke up. “Hi,” she said in a sore voice that made us all cringe in remembrance of the past hour and a half. “Oh no. Please tell me I didn’t” We all tried to cover our sadness, but she could see right through us. “I did. I’m sorry, it happens when I am somewhere new. It probably won’t happen again, please don’t send me away” She whispered the last part probably hoping we wouldn’t catch it, but we had. Jane was the first one to speak and of course, put her foot down.

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